Home Most Wanted Parental Kidnappings

Parental Kidnappings

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    Unlawful Flight To Avoid Prosecution - Parental Kidnapping

    Tara Wilson is wanted by the Polk County Sheriff's Office in Dallas, Oregon, for failing to appear for a series of custodial hearings in 1994, and for then fleeing with her daughter, Ashlyn Wilson, in 1995. Custody of the girl was later awarded to the girl's father. On July 20, 1995, a local arrest warrant was issued in Polk County for Wilson charging her with violating the court order granting visitation rights to the girl's father. On January 8, 2003, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, District of Oregon, charging Tara Wilson with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

    Wilson may be living in California, Montana, or Canada.

    • Suzanne Wilson
    • T.S. Wilson
    • Tara S. Wilson
    Date(s) of Birth Used: October 2, 1971 Hair: Blonde
    Place of Birth: Unknown Eyes: Bluish-Green
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 145 pounds Sex: Female
    Race: White
    Occupation: Unknown
    Photograph shows Ashlyn at approximately one year old.
    Photograph age progressed to show Ashlyn at twelve years old.