NPCR–EDITS Tools for Writing Portable Edits

NPCR–EDITS (Exchangeable-edits, Data-dictionary, and Information Translation Standard) tools improve data quality by standardizing the way data items are checked for validity. CDC developed the NPCR–EDITS tools to implement the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR), established by Public Law 102-515.

The first NPCR–EDITS programs were released more than 15 years ago and are still in use today. These programs were written originally for the Microsoft® DOS operating system. In June 2007, the programs were rewritten substantially for modern Microsoft Windows® operating systems.

These programs are provided for free distribution to the public health community. NPCR–EDITS functionality can be built into interactive data collection systems written by others to achieve real-time field-by-field editing during data entry. They can also be used in batch-editing processes for data already collected.

NPCR–EDITS supports three types of data activities—

  • Defining standards for data quality.
  • Checking data during collection processes.
  • Preparing data for analysis.

The newest Windows-based NPCR–EDITS tools may be downloaded from this site. The available software includes programs for creating, publishing, and applying data validation standards.

NPCR–EDITS tools allow standard-setters to create rules for data quality. The rules are created in an executable form using the EditWriter program.
NPCR–EDITS software tools include the Edit Engine, GenEDITS Plus, and GenEDITS Lite.
NPCR–EDITS metafiles contain everything needed to edit a data file except the data.
GenEDITS Plus 5 is the current release of EDITS software.
CDC helps states set up the software and perform customization. Other users should contract, hire, or develop capability independently to understand and maintain the NPCR–EDITS applications.
Page last reviewed: November 19, 2018