The Divorce Resource Network

Divorce is traumatic. The choices you make determine the course of your life for years to come. It's possible to make decisions that will allow you to survive divorce with a minimum of stress and expense, if you have the information and services you need. The Divorce Resource Network was created to meet those needs.
The Divorce Resource Network is an association of highly experienced, independent professionals who offer divorce-related services and who share the belief that divorce, when it can't be avoided, doesn't need to be expensive or take forever. The members of the Network offer educational tools and a broad range of services to prevent divorce, or make it as painless as possible. We call our approach 
Cooperative Divorce.


Network professionals form a knowledgeable and caring team dedicated to ensuring that individuals and couples can make informed decisions about every aspect of divorce. Attorneys will provide legal advice, a neutral mediator can guide couples as they make their decisions, and a divorce financial planner provides assistance with the financial issues. Therapists and coaches offer help with divorce prevention, survival and recovery.
Is there a family home? A home loan consultant can help with refinancing or purchase of your replacement residence and a realtor can help you with selling the old residence and locating a new one. If a pension is one of the marital assets, you may wish to consult with a pension expert about how to value and/or divide it. You may want to use only one of these services, or several. It's up to you. Choose only the services you want and need.

For further information contact Lynn Fletcher at or 703-244-7717.

Our professionals currently serve residents of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Coumbia

Maryland, Virginia, DC


Members of the Network have written books and articles to provide you with information on separation and divorce. We also offer seminars with presentations by three of our professionals so you can hear from neutral sources about the process and issues of divorce.


Would you like to avoid an ugly court battle? Save time and money?
Work things out privately? Preserve your assets and protect your children?

We explain all aspects of divorce: emotional, financial and legal.

Attorney (Laurie Forbes), Mediator/Parenting Coordinator (Lynn Fletcher),
Certified Divorce Planners (Paul Culler and Cheryl Witman)

Offered Saturdays - January 24 and February 21, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
10805 Main Street, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030

Fee: $45 per person, $70 per couple
For more information contact Lynn Fletcher at or 703-244-7717

For reservations and directions call 703-219-2552
or register online at

Cooperative Divorce: How To Survive A Divorce Without Going Bankrupt or Crazy by Caryn Lennon

How to File for Divorce in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia by James Gross

Cooperative Divorce
Common Errors of Attorneys in Dividing Pensions in Divorce
What is Mediation
The Emotional Divorce
The Financial Divorce
The Legal Divorce

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