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Report Contents



Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Analysis Cases and Methodology 

3. Electricity Market Impacts 

4.  Fuel Market and Macroeconomic Impacts

5.  Potential Impacts of New Source Review Actions

6.  Comparisons With Other Studies

Selected Bibliography


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Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Power Plants:
Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide


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Available Formats

Entire Report as Printed PDF - 1,420KB)
Preface (PDF - 13KB), HTML
Executive Summary (PDF - 81KB), HTML
1. Introduction (PDF - 21KB), HTML
2. Analysis Cases and Methodology (PDF - 67B), HTML
3. Electricity Market Impacts (PDF - 106KB), HTML
4. Fuel Market and Macroeconomic Impacts (PDF - 111KB), HTML
5. Potential Impacts of New Source Review Actions (PDF - 44KB), HTML
6. Comparisons With Other Studies (PDF - 61KB), HTML
Selected Bibliography (PDF - 17KB)


Appendix A - NOx Cap Cases (PDF - 112KB)
Appendix B - SO2 Cap Cases (PDF - 110KB)
Appendix C - CO2 Cap Cases (PDF - 113KB)
Appendix D - Integrated Cases with 2005 Emission Caps (PDF - 111KB)
Appendix E - Integrated Cases with 2008 Emission Caps (PDF - 111KB)
Appendix F - SO2 Sensitivity Case (PDF - 106KB)
Appendix G - CO2 and Integrated Sensitivity Cases (PDF - 111KB)
Appendix H - New Source Review Reference Cases (PDF - 101KB)
Appendix  I -  New Source Review Integrated Cases (PDF - 101KB)
Appendix J -  Request Letters  (PDF - 4KB)
Appendix K - Pollution Control Costs (PDF - 10KB)


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