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Archived Teen Vaccination Coverage

2010 National Immunization Survey (NIS) – Teen

Key Points

CDC's 2010 national teen vaccination data shows that far too few U.S. girls are getting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, a life-saving vaccine that can protect them against cervical cancer.

HPV vaccine coverage has not demonstrated the same strong and steady increases over time like the increases we have seen following the introduction of other vaccines.

There was overall improvement for the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, as well as for the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4).

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NIS-Teen Survey Data Collected in 2010


  • Coverage for one dose of the Tdap vaccine increased by 13 percentage points, reaching about 69 percent (68.7% in 2010 vs. 55.9% in 2009)
  • No differences by race/ethnicity

Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine

  • Coverage for one dose of MCV4 (technically referred to as MenACWY in the MMWR article) increased by 9 percentage points, reaching about 63 percent (62.7% in 2010 vs. 53.6% in 2009)
  • Coverage higher among Hispanics than among whites (66.1% vs. 61.2%)

HPV vaccine

  • Coverage for one dose of HPV vaccine for girls increased by only 4.4 percentage points to about 49 percent (48.7% in 2010 vs 44.3% in 2009)
  • For girls who received the recommended 3 doses of HPV vaccine, coverage increased 5 points to just 32 percent (32% in 2010 vs 26.7% in 2009)
  • Of the girls who began the HPV vaccine series, 30 percent did not receive all three doses
  • Completion of the 3 dose HPV series was lower among blacks and Hispanics than whites
  • Coverage for 3 doses of HPV vaccine was lower for those living below poverty
  • Poor and minority teens are less likely to receive all three recommended doses of the HPV vaccine

NIS-Teen Vaccination Coverage Data Tables

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Related Pages

  • Press Release
    CDC survey provides estimates of coverage for adolescent vaccination at the national, state and selected local area levels
  • MMWR
    National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2010
  • Podcast: Teen Vaccines
    Parents might think their children are fully vaccinated by the time they reach kindergarten, but vaccines aren’t just for babies. While most shots are administered at a very early age, certain vaccines are recommended for adolescents.
    Listen to this podcast (4:19 minutes)
  • Matte Article [67 KB, 2 pages]
    Will you protect your daughters against cervical cancer? Say YES to protecting your daughter against cervical cancer by making sure she gets the HPV vaccine.
  • Resources to Promote Vaccines for Preteens and Teens [800 KB, 1 page]One page flyer describing current multimedia products.


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