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Office of the Secretary Internship Program

In This Section:

Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists and Community Leaders
Employing Youth in the Clean Energy Economy
Engaging Youth from All Backgrounds in the Great Outdoors
Office of the Secretary Internship Program
Student Internship Opportunities
Youth In the Great Outdoors
Youth Mentoring Webinar - Dec 16 2010 - Session B
Youth Mentoring Webinar Dec 9 2010 - Session A
Youth Mentoring Webinar Session A
Youth Mentoring Webinar Session A
YouthGO Website

Become one of the Secretary's Fellows at the Department of the Interior!  The Department of the Interior is the nation's principal conservation agency.  In addition to protecting America's natural and cultural resources, the Department also manages about one-fifth of the land in the United States that supply 30 percent of the nation's energy production.  The Department also manages national parks, national wildlife refuges, fulfills trust responsibilities to Native American Tribes, conducts scientific research and manages much of the water in the West.

The Department of the Interior's internship program provides placement for qualified college students to work in the Office of the Secretary of the Interior.  Interns have an opportunity to work with some of the Department's senior policy advisors to the Secretary of the Interior in areas such as the Office of Congressional Affairs, the Office of Communications, the Office of External Affairs, the Scheduling Office, and the Office of the Executive Secretariat.

Interns are hired full-time for a three month period in the Summer and for 20 to 40 hours a week during the Fall and Spring semesters.  They can be hired as GS 3 or 4 temporary employees, earning around $12 per hour. If the applicant will be receiving academic credit for the internship, they will be asked to participate as an unpaid volunteer intern. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university.  Housing is not provided.  

To apply go to:

The deadlines for applications are:

Fall - July 24