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Energy-Efficiency Related: EIA Reports and Analyses

Released Release Date: October 1999
Last Updated: August 2010


End Users: Commercial Buildings  /  Manufacturing  / Residential  /  Transportation
 Energy Source: Coal  /  Electricity /  Natural Gas   /   Nuclear  /  Petroleum  /  Renewable  /  All Sectors

Commercial Buildings

2003 CBECS Detailed Tables
, most recent data on building characteristics and consumption expenditures

2003 Building Characteristics Overview, the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) estimates that there were nearly 4.9 million commercial buildings and more than 71.6 billion square feet of commercial floorspace in the U. S. in 2003

1999 Building Characteristics Overview, the 1999 CBECS collected information about HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) system, building shell, and lighting conservation features and practices plus information on off-hour reduction of end-use equipment. In general, commercial buildings that were larger than average were more likely to have used these conservation features or measures (May 2002)

Commercial Buildings Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop, focuses on the energy efficiency measurement issues in the commercial buildings sector (February 1996)

A Look at Principal Building Activities in the 1999 CBECS, profiles of commercial building types, including office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, churches, and fire stations (July 2000)

A Look at Commercial Buildings in 1995: Characteristics, Energy Consumption, and Energy Expenditures, in 1995, there were 4.6 million commercial buildings in the United States com uprising 58.8 billion square feet of floor space. That amount of commercial floor space exceeds the total area of the State of Delaware and amounts to more than 200 square feet for every resident in the United States (October 1998)

Energy End-Use Intensities in Commercial Buildings 1992, provides estimates of energy consumption and energy intensities in commercial buildings for nine end uses: space heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, water heating, cooking, refrigeration, office equipment, and "other." (February 1995)

Energy End-Use Intensities in Commercial Buildings 1989, the demand for energy in U.S. stores, offices, schools, hospitals, and other commercial buildings has been increasing. This report examines energy intensities in commercial buildings for nine end uses: space heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, water heating, cooking, refrigeration, office equipment, and "other." The objective of this analysis was to increase understanding of how energy is used in commercial buildings and to identify targets for greater energy efficiency which could moderate future growth in demand (September 1994)

Lighting in Commercial Buildings, lighting represents a substantial fraction of commercial electricity consumption. This report provides a statistical profile of commercial lighting, to examine the potential for lighting energy conservation in commercial buildings. The principal conclusion from this analysis is that energy use for lighting could be reduced by as much as a factor of four using currently available technology ( March 1992)

Industrial Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop, focuses on the energy efficiency measurement issues in the industrial sector (March 1996)

Electricity Generation in the Manufacturing Sector: A Historical Perspective, the focus of the paper is on distributed generation in the manufacturing sector. Electricity restructuring and distributed generation compatibility issues are discussed (August 1999)

Changes in Energy Intensity in the Manufacturing Sector, 1985-1994, the focus of this data report is on intensity of energy use, measured by energy consumption relative to constant dollar shipments of manufactured products -- commonly called energy intensities (EI) by energy analysts. This report explicitly relates changes in two energy measures of energy intensity to efficiency, while being cognizant that there are structural and behavioral effects enmeshed in those measures of energy efficiency (September 1995)

Fuel Oil Use in Manufacturing, the large majority of oil products purchased by manufacturers to produce heat and power are distillate and residual fuel oils. Distillate fuel oil, the lighter product, is also used for heating of homes and commercial buildings. Residual oil is a much denser, heavier product not ordinarily used in residential or commercial building applications (May 2000)


2005 RECS Housing Characteristics Report, provides information on the characteristics of the 2005 residential housing units

2005 RECS Consumption & Expenditures , detailed data on households energy consumption and expenditures

2001 RECS Housing Characteristics Report, provides information on the characteristics of the 2001 residential housing units

2001 RECS Consumption & Expenditures 2001, detailed data on households energy consumption and expenditures

End-Use Consumption of Electricity 2001, presents a detailed account of the amount of electricity used to operate numerous appliances in 2001(April 2005)

Household Electricity Report, the Household Electricity Report series is the newest series in the Regional Energy Profiles group. The series consists of brief analysis reports on the amount of electricity consumed annually by U.S. households for each of several end uses, including space heating and cooling, water heating, lighting, and the operation of more than two dozen appliances (July 2005)

Householder's Perceptions of Insulation Adequacy and Drafts in the Home in 2001
, in order to improve the estimation of end-use heating consumption, the Energy Information Administration's (EIA), 2001 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), for the first time, asked respondents to judge how drafty they perceived their homes to be as a measure of insulation quality. The analysis of the 2001 RECS data shows that householders in newly-constructed homes perceived their homes to be better insulated and less drafty than do householders in older homes. Single-family homes are perceived to be better insulated and less drafty than are apartments in buildings with two to four units. Cross-variable comparisons also provide the associations between the level of insulation and winter drafts in the homes with household characteristics and location of the home (August 2004)

1997 RECS Housing Characteristics Report
, provides information on the characteristics of the 1997 residential housing units (November 1999)

1997 RECS Consumption & Expenditures, detailed data on households energy consumption and expenditures (November 1999)

Residential Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop, the discussions generated many views on how energy efficiency should be defined (February 1996)

Winter Energy Savings from Lower Thermostat Settings
, potential savings are based on an examination of data from the 1997 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) and the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), both products of the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Actual savings for individual households depend on the type of main heating fuel and the amount of fuel used, which, in turn, depend on home size, amount of insulation, area of the country, and many other variables (December 2000)

Residential Lighting: Use and Potential Savings, the overwhelming majority of lights in residential households are incandescent--the least energy efficient of all light types. If households replaced the most intensively used bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, they would see a sizable savings in their electric bills. The total U.S. household energy that would be saved by replacing all incandescent bulbs used 4 or more hours per day would be 31.7 billion kilowatthours (KWh) annually, or 35 percent of all electricity used for residential lighting (September 1996)

Reducing Home Heating and Cooling Costs, 1994,pdf of document is found on http://www.ftc.gov/reports/gasprices05/050705gaspricesrpt.pdf this report is in response to a request from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) undertake a neutral, unbiased analysis of the cost, safety, and health and environmental effects of the three major heating fuels: heating oil, natural gas, and electricity. The Committee also asked EIA to examine the role of conservation in the choice of heating and cooling fuel (July 1994)


Household Vehicles Energy Use: Latest Data & Trends 2001, provides details on the nation's energy use for household passenger travel. A primary purpose of this report is to release the latest consumer-based data on household vehicles and expenditures, derived from the U.S. Department of Transportation's 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) and independent estimates of vehicle miles per gallon and fuel prices at that time (November 2005)

Household Vehicles Energy Consumption 1994, members of U.S. households drove more miles and consumed more fuel in 1994 than in 1988. Vehicle-miles traveled per household increased by 13 percent and the average fuel consumption per household increased by 5 percent. Household expenditures for motor gasoline, when adjusted for inflation, rose by 6 percent between 1988 and 1994. Fuel economy, as measured in miles per gallon (mpg), increased by 8 percent over the 6-year period (August 1997)

Household Vehicles Energy Consumption1991
, provides data from the 1991 Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey (RTECS), focusing on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and energy end-use consumption and expenditures by households for personal transportation. Over 3,000 households with more than 6,000 vehicles were surveyed, providing information on their vehicle stock and annual miles traveled per vehicle. The information provided represents the characteristics and energy consumption of the 84.6 million households with vehicles nationwide. An additional 10 million households did not own or have access to a vehicle during the survey year (December 1993)

Denver Clean-City Fleets Survey 1995, the Denver Clean-City Fleets Survey is a 1995 survey of private companies and local governments operating 10 or more vehicles in the Denver/Boulder area. This survey, along with a similar one conducted in 1994 in Atlanta, is part of an alternative-fuel vehicle (AFV) data collection program conducted by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). AFV's are vehicles that operate on fuels other than gasoline and diesel, such as electricity, ethanol, methanol, natural gas, and propane (1996)

Atlanta Clean-City Fleets Survey 1994,pdf of document is found on http://www.ftc.gov/reports/gasprices05/050705gaspricesrpt.pdf alternative-fuel vehicles in the Atlanta area represented one percent of total vehicles. Seventy percent of fleet vehicles in Atlanta's private fleets are fueled with gasoline; twenty-nine percent of fleet vehicles used diesel fuel. Ninety percent of the alternative-fuel vehicles reported were light-duty vehicles. In contrast light-duty vehicles made up 70 percent (November 1995)

Consumer Vehicle Preferences 1994, the major aims of this study are to analyze and summarize the results of a national telephone survey of consumer vehicle preferences and attitudes toward alternative-fuel vehicles. The study approach, the sample design specifications, the questionnaire, and the processing specifications were developed by students enrolled in a survey practicum course at the University of Maryland. This course is one of the graduate degree requirements of the Joint Program in Survey Methodology sponsored by the University of Maryland, the University of Michigan, and Westat, Inc (March 1996)

Fleets of Alternative-Fuel Providers 1993, our reliance on motor vehicles has major implications for both international trade policy and environmental policy. Dependence on foreign oil reached its highest level in 17 years in 1994, with net imports amounting to 45 percent of consumption. Motor gasoline represented the greatest consumption of all oil products, 43 percent of all petroleum products supplied in 1994.1 Both foreign imports of petroleum and consumption of motor gasoline are on the rise; and consequently, the United States remains as vulnerable as ever to oil embargoes abroad (March 1996)

All Sectors

Measuring Energy Efficiency in the United States' Economy: A Beginning, energy efficiency is a vital component of the Nation's energy strategy. One of the Department of Energy's missions are to promote energy efficiency to help the Nation manage its energy resources. The ability to define and measure energy efficiency is essential to this objective. In the absence of consistent defensible measures, energy efficiency is a vague, subjective concept that engenders directionless speculation and confusion rather than insightful analysis (October 1995)

United States Energy Usage and Efficiency: Measuring Changes Over Time, provides a brief synopsis of the developments in EIA’s energy-efficiency project from 1993 to 1998 (September 1998)

Energy Kid's Page: Energy Efficiency, energy is more than numbers on a utility bill; it is the foundation of everything we do. All of us use energy every day—for transportation, cooking, heating and cooling rooms, manufacturing, lighting, and entertainment. We rely on energy to make our lives comfortable, productive and enjoyable

EIA's Environmental Publications and Data, a list of links to EIA's energy-related emissions data & environmental analyses (updated annually)

State Energy Profiles, provides EIA's State data, with energy facts and maps (December 2006)

Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 206, section 206 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) provides for the establishment of a rebate program for expenditures made to install renewable energy systems in connection with a dwelling unit or small business. The amount of the rebate is 25 percent of the expenditures for qualifying equipment made by the consumer or $3,000, whichever is less(February 2006)

Short-Term Energy Outlook, the Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) presents monthly forecast and analysis of U.S. energy supply, demand, and prices (updated annually)

Annual Energy Outlook, the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) presents a forecast and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. The AEO includes the reference case, additional cases examining energy markets, and complete documentation (updated annually)

Annual Energy Review, the Annual Energy Review (AER) is the Energy Information Administration’s primary report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1949. Included are data on total energy production, consumption, and trade; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, international energy, as well as financial and environmental indicators; and data unit conversion tables (updated annually)

International Energy Annual, the International Energy Annual (IEA) is the Energy Information Administration’s primary report of international energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1980. Included are data on energy consumption and production; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, and electricity, as well as carbon dioxide emissions from the use of fossil fuels, petroleum prices, energy reserves, and population ; and data unit conversion tables (updated annually)

International Energy Outlook
, the International Energy Outlook (IEO) presents an assessment by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the outlook for international energy markets. U.S. projections appearing in IEO are consistent with those published in EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook (AEO), which was prepared using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) (June 2006)

Monthly Energy Review, the Monthly Energy Review is the Energy Information Administration’s primary report of recent energy statistics. Included are total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum; and data unit conversions. Through December 2006, this report is also released in print (updated monthly)

Energy Perspectives: 1949-2005, Energy Perspectives is a graphical overview of energy history in the United States. The 67 graphs shown in this section reveal sweeping trends related to the Nation’s acquisition and use of energy from 1949 through 2005

U.S. Economy Energy-Efficiency Workshop, focuses on the energy efficiency measurement issues for entire economy (March 1996)

The Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining, 1996 - 2001, this study is a follow-up to the 1997 report and analyzes the sources of increased profitability in U.S. refining/marketing, including the role of the costs of compliance with environmental laws and their implementation. The primary focus is on the 1996 to 2001 period, but the report also presents data for the 1988 to 1995 period of the 1997 study. The analysis presented in this report utilizes a financial reporting framework and draws on government and industry data sources (May 2003)

The Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining Profitability, analysis of effects of environmental compliance costs on reduced U.S. refining profitability during the 1988 to 1995 period for major energy companies (October 1997)

Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on U.S. Energy Markets & Economic Activity, from December 1 through 11, 1997, more than 160 nations met in Kyoto, Japan, to negotiate binding limitations on greenhouse gases for the developed nations, pursuant to the objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992. The outcome of the meeting was the Kyoto Protocol, in which the developed nations agreed to limit their greenhouse gas emissions, relative to the levels emitted in 1990 (October 1998)

Country Analysis Briefs - Expanded Environmental Sections: Australia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada,China, Colombia , Ecuador, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan , Malaysia , Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Sakhalin Island, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela , energy and carbon emissions overview for each county and more


Weekly Coal Production, contains coal production estimates (updated weekly)

Quarterly Coal Report
, provides data on U.S. coal production, exports, imports, receipts, prices, consumption, coal quality and stocks in addition to data on U.S. coke production, consumption, stocks, imports, and exports (updated quarterly)

Annual Coal Report, provides data on U.S. coal production, prices, consumption, coal quality and stocks by census regions (September 2006)


Electric Power Monthly, the Electric Power Monthly presents monthly electricity statistics for a wide audience including Congress, Federal and State agencies, the electric power industry, and the general public. The purpose of this publication is to provide energy decision makers with accurate and timely information that may be used in forming various perspectives on electric issues that lie ahead. In order to provide an integrated view of the electric power industry, data in this report have been separated into two major categories: electric power sector and combined heat and power producers (updated monthly)

Electric Power Annual, the Electric Power Annual 2005 summarizes electric power industry statistics at the national level. The publication seeks to provide industry decision-makers, government policymakers, analysts, and the general public with historical data that may be used in understanding U.S. electricity markets (updated annually)

Natural Gas

Weekly Natural Gas Storage, this report tracks U.S. natural gas inventories held in underground storage facilities. The weekly stocks generally are the volumes of working gas as of the report date. Changes in reported stock levels reflect all events affecting working gas in storage, including injections, withdrawals, and reclassifications between base and working gas (updated weekly)

Natural Gas Weekly Update
, provides weekly data on the New York Mercantile Exchange(NYME) natural gas settlement price, West Texas Intermediate(WTI) spot price, and Henry Hub spot price (updated weekly)

Natural Gas Monthly
, natural and supplemental gas production, supply, consumption, disposition, storage, imports, exports, and prices in the United States. This report is updated during the first week of each month (updated monthly)


Domestic Uranium Production Report - Quarterly, third quarter 2006 production of uranium concentrate in the United States was 1,083,808 pounds uranium oxide (U3O8). This production was 21 percent higher than the previous quarter, and increased 63 percent compared with the 3rd quarter 2005 production (updated quarterly)

2005 Domestic Uranium Production Report
, the U.S. uranium production industry's turnaround continues for a second year through 2005 for drilling, mining, concentrate production, employment and expenditures. Estimated exploration and development drilling totaled 3 thousand holes and 1.7 million feet in 2005. Mines produced an estimated 3.0 million pounds of uranium oxide (U3O8) (updated annually)

2005 Uranium Marketing Annual
, owners and operators of U.S. civilian nuclear power reactors purchased a total of 66 million pounds U3O8e (uranium oxide equivalent) of deliveries from U.S. and foreign suppliers during 2005. The weighted-average price paid was $14.36 per pound U3O8e, an increase of 14 percent compared with the 2004 price (updated annually)

Uranium Reserves Estimates
, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has reported the estimates for U.S. uranium ore reserves annually for the period 1984-2003. The estimates for U.S. ore reserves will not be provided for 2004. The estimates for yearend 2003 are shown below. Until further notice, the estimates of U.S. uranium ore reserves will not be updated annually pending completion of a review of the EIA's uranium resource assessment effort (June 2004)


International Petroleum Monthly, the International Petroleum Monthly (IPM) is the Energy Information Administration’s primary report of recent international petroleum (oil) statistics. This report includes world petroleum supply statistics through August 2006. The IPM also includes estimates for petroleum demand, stocks, and imports for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) (updated monthly)

This Week in Petroleum, provides weekly retail and spot prices of diesel fuel, gasoline, residential heating fuel, propane, as well as inventory data (updated weekly)

Weekly Petroleum Status Report, contains the petroleum supply situation in the context of historical information and selected prices (updated weekly)

U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices, provides weekly retail gasoline prices by U.S. regions and selected states (updated weekly)

Renewable & Alternative Fuel

Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Collector, contains detailed historical data on solar manufacturing activities annually in its report, the Renewable Energy Annual. This report, Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Collector Manufacturing Activities 2005, provides an overview and tables with historical data spanning 1996-2004, including revisions, and preliminary data for 2005 (updated annually)

Renewable Energy Annual 2004, the Renewable Energy Annual 2004 is the tenth in a series of annual publications on renewable energy by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). The 2004 edition presents four reports, accompanied with data tables and graphics covering various aspects of the renewable energy marketplace (updated annually)

For questions about the "Energy-Efficiency Related: EIA Reports and Analyses," please contact:

Behjat Hojjati
Program Manager
Phone: 202-586-1068
Fax: 202-586-0018