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The U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance held a Joint Humanitarian Operations Course at Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy, Oct. 10-11. The two-day course informed U.S. Army Africa personnel of the various roles, resources and requirements associated with disaster relief operations in Africa. (U.S. Army Africa photos by Maggie Menzies)


Humanitarian operations course focuses on inter-agency missions

Oct. 16, 2012 — By Maggie Menzies, U.S. Army Africa Public Affairs

VICENZA, Italy – Whether it is an earthquake in Gujarat, India, flooding in Madagascar, or a complex emergency in the Sudan, disasters can strike at anytime. The U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance routinely responds to Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief missions and at times relies on the U.S. military to assist during their operations.

To hone these joint response efforts, almost 40 personnel of the U.S. Army Africa attended a two-day Joint Humanitarian Operations Course taught by USAID OFDA instructors from Oct. 10-11.

“We recognize the opportunity to use our counterparts like USAID to work together to provide excellent support to countries in need,” said Col. Pedro Almeida, USARAF chief of staff, as he introduced the course and the instructors. “This course can show the benefits of both military and civilian organizations working together; it is great to have this team here.”

The course walked participants through the relationship between USAID, its partners and the U.S. military, with the main goal being to prepare USARAF participants to work collaboratively during HA/DR operations.

“The chaos that ensues after a disaster is not the time to learn the roles and capabilities of other agencies,” said John Zavales, USAID OFDA civilian/military humanitarian advisor and course instructor. “When you are dealing with time sensitive humanitarian operations it is an advantage to have these relationships already established.”

The two USAID instructors provided hands-on, interactive exercises to reinforce the roles and capabilities of other U.S. departments and agencies as well as the need for prior planning and speed of response. These exercises and lectures also addressed the U.S. response hierarchy in HA/DR missions.

“When the United States government provides humanitarian assistance or disaster response efforts, USAID is the lead federal agency,” said Angela Sherbenou, USAID OFDA senior adviser and U.S. Africa Command civilian/military adviser. “It’s our mandate. We save lives, alleviate human suffering and reduce the economic and social impact of disasters.”

Responding as one USG team strengthens aid efforts and USAID can best determine an effective, efficient and appropriate response for all. Depending on the type of disaster or complex emergency and the needs on the ground, the U.S. military may become involved when they are able to provide a unique service, when the response capacity of the country is overwhelmed, or the civilian authorities request assistance.

“It’s absolutely essential for us to provide a well-coordinated response, said Zavales. “Teaching courses like this to the military helps to ensure this is the response we will always give.”

Another important discussion area included action items for a joint engagement in a HA/DR operation.

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USARAF's Commander talks about preventing suicide from US Army Africa on Vimeo.



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