The United States Army | Chaplain Corps
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About the Chaplain Center & School

The U.S. Army Chaplain School was created out of a need to adequately train chaplains to staff the large military force which the United States was creating in 1917, for service in World War I. The plan for the school was developed by Chaplain (MAJ) Aldred A. Pruden. On 9 February 1918, the War Department approved Chaplain Pruden's plan and the first session of the Chaplain School commenced on 3 March 1918, at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Click here to read more Chaplaincy history

Summer-Fall 2010 llll New "The Army Chaplaincy"

Professional Bulletin of the Unit Ministry Team

2010 Summer-Fall Edition

Strengthening Army Communities through
Ministries of Sacred Speech

USACHCS Leadership

Chaplain School Commandant
Chaplain (Colonel) David Colwell
Read full bio
Command Sergeant Major
CSM Chantel Y. Sena-Diaz
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USACHCS Graduation Dates

Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course (CHBOLC) Graduation Dates
16 December, 2011
06 April, 2012
17 August, 2012

USACHCS Directorates

Training Directorate


Reserve Component UMT Training

Capabilities Development Integration Directorate (CDID)

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