June 2012 Soldiers Magazine

Additional Articles

Remote-controlled lifesavers

Remote-controlled lifesavers

Story by Jacqueline M. Hames, Soldiers magazine

Families worry when a Soldier goes off to war -- it's natural. They schedule Internet chats and regular emails and phone calls to check in with one another. They send care packages to their...

The fight to become the Best Warrior

The fight to become the Best Warrior

Story by T. Anthony Bell, for Soldiers magazine

Perhaps the most telling signs of the 2011 Best Warrior Competition were written on the faces and bodies of its competitors in the contest's final hours. The stiff-as-a-board bearing and...

ROTC: Training leaders, Army style

ROTC: Training leaders, Army style

Story by Elizabeth M. Collins, Soldiers magazine

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same," 17...

Current Issue


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The June 2012 Issue of Soldiers Magazine

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Letters from the Field

From the editor
From the editor

Soldiers magazine will commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in its September 2011 issue. The magazine plans to feature stories related to that day, as well as pieces showing where we as an...


ON the ribbons/medals poster insert in the January issue, an entry was mislabeled as the Distinguished Superior Service Medal. The correct name for the medal is the Defense Superior Service...

December issue
December issue

I am Christopher West. I am a private first class in my Junior ROTC class at school. I looked through your December 2010 magazine, and when I opened it up, one thing caught my eye. This man...

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Page last updated Mon June 25th, 2012 at 10:21