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COL Todd Garlick

Colonel Garlick enlisted in the Regular Army in April 1982 and was assigned as an Administrative Specialist - Postal at the 7th Personnel and Administration Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, Fort Ord, California and eventually earned a nomination to attend the United States Military Academy, West Point through the USMA Preparatory School. He graduated West Point in May 1988 and received a Regular Army commission as a Second Lieutenant, Infantry.

Click Here for Complete Biography

Click here to view the 2012 Class of the AG Corps Hall of Fame and Distinguished Members of the Regiment

Click here to view the 2011 2012 Adjutant General Corps of Year Winners

All Human Resources Warfighter Training Support Packages (WTSPs), have been posted to the Army Training Network (ATN) website:  https://atn.army.mil  (products, go to products, collective training, Warfighter Training Support Packages (WTSP)).

AG Prints for Sale

AG Prints

History of the
Adjutant General's Corps

The proud lineage of the Adjutant General's Corps dates back to the formation of the American Army which it has honorably served for over 220 years. Horatio Gates, a former British Army officer, is honored as the father of the Adjutant General's Corps. On June 16, 1775, the Continental Congress appointed him as the first Adjutant General to George Washington with the commission of a brigadier general. Historically, he was the second officer to receive a commission in the Continental Army, preceded only by George Washington. With that appointment, the second oldest existing branch of the Army was born.

General Gates' primary duty was to serve as key advisor and principal assistant to General Washington. Through his skill and ability, he organized the state militias into what became the Continental Army. Horatio Gates proved himself an able assistant as well as a competent field commander. Under his leadership, the Continental Army won the battle of Saratoga -- considered by many to be the turning point of the Revolutionary War. Following this important strategic victory over the British, the Continental Congress awarded what was then our nation's highest honor, the Congressional Gold Medal. Our use of the Horatio Gates Bronze and Gold Medals, which recognize superior achievement and service to the Regiment, dates from this important event.

During the War of 1812, Adjutant General Corps officers proved themselves to be officers of exceptional character, judgment, and combat ability. Two men in particular who served as the Adjutant General during this period rose to prominence. General Alexander Macomb gained fame by repulsing the British in the Battle of Plattsburgh, and later becoming the Commanding General of the Army; Zebulon Pike, the famous explorer, died in battle while leading the attack on York, Canada.

With the appointment of Brevet Brigadier General Roger Jones in 1825, the office grew in importance. During his tenure, General Jones molded the office of the Adjutant General into the central bureau of the War Department. Adjutants General became the only officers invested with the authority to speak and sign official correspondence "for the commander".

Recognizing this, the Army began appointing West Point graduates almost exclusively as Adjutants General from 1839 through the early 1900s. The first two graduates so appointed, Samuel Cooper and Lorenzo Thomas, served with distinction as Adjutants General during the Civil War. Cooper served the Confederacy, while Thomas served the Union.

In 1861, two assistant Adjutants General, Major McDowell and Captain Franklin, drew up the plans to organize the more than 500,000 men who volunteered to fight for the Union. Their efforts, and others like them on both sides, built the massive armies of our Civil War years.

Following the Civil War, Brigadier General Edward Townsend took on the mission of compiling all the records of the war, both North and South. The Adjutant General's Department's "War of the Rebellion: Official Records" became an invaluable contribution to American military history. The Department also discharged more than 800,000 men and enlisted 36,000 new recruits for the post Civil War Regular Army.

On December 14th, 1872, the Adjutant General's Department adopted the old topographic engineer shield as its own branch insignia. The shield symbolized the Adjutant General's role of speaking "for the commander". Thirteen embossed stars replaced the "T.E." on the upper shield, creating the crest worn by all Adjutant General's Corps officers of today.

By the onset of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Adjutant General's Office had evolved as the central coordinating bureau in the Army (continuing the legacy it developed during the Civil War). Major General William H. Carter, under the direction of visionary Secretary of War Elihu Root, continued our modernization efforts by implementing the general staff concept based upon European models. The Adjutant General's Department and the newly organized general staff evolved over the years as some functions were transferred and others modified. Several functions, formally part of the Adjutant General's Office, now evolved into independent staff agencies after World War I. The Inspector General, the Provost Marshal, the Assistant Chief for Intelligence, and the Chief of Military History all owe their beginnings to The Adjutant's General Office.

During World War II, more than 15,000 officers, soldiers, and civilians served in the Office of the Adjutant General. By the end of the war, the Adjutant General's Corps processed more than six million soldiers back into civilian life. In what has been described as one of the most successful administrative tasks ever carried out, the AG Corps processed nearly one-half million discharges a month in accomplishing this difficult mission.

Since World War II, the Adjutant General's Corps has been combat tested on several far-flung battlefields such as Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and, most recently, in the Persian Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm). AG soldiers mobilized 139,207 reserve component soldiers (equating to 1,045 Reserve and National Guard units of all types), recalled 1,386 retirees to active duty, deployed 1,600 Army civilians to Southwest Asia, processed over 10,000 individual and unit replacements, and delivered more than 27,000 tons of mail to deployed Army forces.

For more than 220 years, the mission of the Adjutant General's Corps has remained constant: to assist the commander in war and peace, and to provide superior personnel support to the soldiers, civilians and families which make up our Army. Today, the Corps continues to develop new and better ways to provide support to commanders and soldiers. Our pride in our past is surpassed only by our optimism for the future. We remain and will always be prepared to DEFEND AND SERVE!

The development of the HR Plans and Ops App is complete and the final review with the AGS is scheduled for Friday, 17 Jun 11.  The App developer, the course developer, and the course manager will participate in the final review of the App.  The AGS will begin testing of the App following the final review and the pilot with students is currently scheduled for 11-22 Jul.

SSI's TDD and Adjutant General School (AGS) Senior Leader Training Division (SLTD) are conducting the Brigade S1 course for the first time at Ft. Leavenworth, KS from 13-24 Jun 11.  AGS instructors, with TDD support, are onsite for the 22 students (18 ILE graduates) who are on assignment to G1/Bde S1 shops.  The focus of the course is on Brigade S1 operations and management in today's modular Army and prepares Soldiers to interpret, integrate, coordinate, and implement Army HR programs and policies at the Brigade S-1 level with emphasis on HR doctrine.  The AG School Commandant will receive the culminating brief from the students.  This course fully replicates the Brigade S1 course taught at Ft. Jackson.  Conducting the course in conjunction with ILE graduation is the culmination of months of coordination between SSI, HRC, and Fort Leavenworth ILE.  It yields a net savings of approximately one week and $55K to the Army.

Students attending the Adjutant General’s Captains Career Course received an initial Green Pages briefing on 6 June.  The Army Green Pages pilot program is an officer talent management tool that will better align officer talent with unit requirements, and increases information available to officers and units for assignment decision.  On 7 Jun, Green Pages was opened to these officers, so they could update their profile information and assignment preference selection.  This is the first cohort of AG officers and only the third branch overall to use green pages for career planning and progression.

The Adjutant General’s Corps inducted their second class into the Hall of Fame (HOF) on 10 June 2011 in the Soldier Support Institute Auditorium.  The AG Corps HOF was established in 2010 to recognize and honor persons who have made positive, lasting, and significant contributions to the AG Corps.  AG Corps HOF members are honored with a permanent display in the AG Corps Hall of Honor at the SSI, Fort Jackson, SC.

  • Basic Officer Courses
  • Advanced Officer Courses
  • Senior Leader Courses
  • CASCOM One Stop

Chief, AGS Senior Leader Training Division (SLTD):
LTC Corey Hunt   
Our Human Resources (HR) Programs of Instruction feature technical skills training as well as an HR planning focus to better prepare AG Leaders to succeed in today's Army.  Each resident course consists of hands-on HR systems training, relevant HR instruction, HR planning, and senior HR leader forums all designed to support the transformed Army.
Presently, the Senior Leader Training Division of the Adjutant General School at Fort Jackson, SC offers four courses which professionally develop or qualify Senior AG Leaders to serve in Area of Concentration (AOC)  42B/42H positions, 42A, 420A positions or perform HR related duties in brigade-level and higher or SRC-12 unit positions:
1.  The Human Resources Management Qualification Course - RC
2.  The Brigade S-1 Operations Course
3.  The Human Resources Plans and Operations Course
4.  The Pre-Command Course (PCC)/CSL G-1 Course prepares Centrally-Selected Officers to assume command or duties as a G-1.

  • Learning Resource Center
  • S1 Net
  • SSI Library
  • Army Career Tracker

SSI LRCThe SSI Learning Resource Center is designed to provide access to the latest Adjutant General, Financial Management, and Recruiting and Retention training material.  Resources are available for individual, collective, distributed learning to CAC (common access card) and AKO users.

Click here to explore the LRC.

AGS SharePoint Search

S1 Net
EONETEONET is a new one stop AKO portal for all of your EO training needs.

SSI LibraryWelcome to the Soldier Support Institute Library! Looking for a valuable resource during your attendance SSI? The Library has Battle Analysis material, Historical Field Manuals, and the Commander's professional reading list.

Click here to visit the Library.

What is ACT?
Army Career Tracker (ACT) is a leadership development tool that integrates training and education into one personalized, easy-to-use website. Users can search multiple Army education and training resources, monitor their career development and receive personalized advice from their leadership.
Who Supports ACT?
As part of Army Learning Concept 2015 (ALC 2015), ACT will allow Soldiers, Officers, and Civilians to manage their lifelong career objectives and monitor progress toward career requirements and goals.  Users can enroll in courses and training to become multi-skilled, agile leaders of the 21st Century.
When is it available?
On 1 August 2011, the Enlisted Active, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard forces for CMF 42 will be given access to ACT.  Access to both simulations and printable training materials are available now.  These materials will continue to be available for your reference in the Downloadable Files section of the ACT Information Page on AKO at https://www.us.army.mil/suite/page/601000
For more information log onto https://actnow.army.mil
POC for the Army Career Tracker are:
SGM Roberson, Demont, Proponent SGM at (803)751-8442, demont.roberson@conus.army.mil
SFC Hill, Jacqueline, Career Management NCO (42A) at (803)751-8344, jackie.hill@conus.army.mil

 SFC Haas, Sarah, Career Management NCO (42S/42R) at (803)751-8352, sarah.j.witt@conus.army.mil



Educate, train, and develop agile Soldiers and Leaders, through the delivery of human resources, postal operations, and music support.  Develop relevant and effective doctrine, training, and organizational designs to operate across the full spectrum of Army operations.


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