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Off Limits

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To help maintain USFK personnel welfare and safety, the following areas and establishments within the ROK are off-limits. Service members found in an off-limits area or participating in a prohibited activity will be in violation of USFK Regulation.

Current Off-Limits Areas and Establishments

  • 4 Seasons: #120, P/HT, 23Oct05
  • Ambrosia: #146, P/HT, 16May03
  • Cheers: #103, P/HT, 21Jul03
  • D'Stairs: #80, P/HT, 16Feb06
  • DMC: Kangnam under Novotel Hotel, FP, 29Oct04
  • Eve: #102, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Happy Days: #114, P/HT, 12May03
  • Joy: #137, P/HT, 06/Jun07
  • Kim Sung Motel: #13, FP, 09May05
  • Lily: #133, P/HT, 09May05
  • Mississippi: #115, P/HT, 29Nov06
  • Moonshine: #143, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Number One: #132, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Nymph: #48, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Peach Phuzz: #46, P/HT, 13Oct05
  • Pretty Ketty: #16, P/HT, 12Mar03/29Nov06
  • SS: #136, P/HT, 06Jun07
  • Talk Show: #17, P/HT, 29Nov06
  • Texas: #109, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Venus Club: #104, P/HT, 25Aug05
  • VIP Club: #147, P/HT, 28Jul04
  • Yes Club: #144, P/HT, 12Mar03
  • Glass Houses Mia-ri Sta Area: Seungbuk-gu, P/HT
  • UN Club: FP/Controlled Substance as of 05 OCT 2011
  • Deja Vu: P/HT - Name Changed from ING Bar
  • Zion Club: FP/D; 24 FEB 2012
  • Apple: (#165)(P/HT-23OCT05)
  • Dong-In INN: (#82)(P/HT-12MAR03)
  • Drama: (#149)(P/HT-12MAR03)
  • Mu Ji Ga: (#1135)(P/HT-28JUL04)
  • Shamrock: (#131)(P/HT-16JUN05)
  • Stars: (#130)(P/HT-09MAY05)
  • Top: (#125)(P/HT-06JUN07)
  • View Motel: (#140)(P/HT-12MAR03)
  • King Club: FP/Controlled Substance as of 05 OCT 2011

USFK Off Limits Information

USFK Reg 190-2 Policy (23 Jul 2010)
The areas and establishments listed below have been declared off-limits for safety, health, or operational considerations for all personnel subject to this regulation, except as noted. Additional off-limits areas will be determined by Area Commanders IAW paragraph 4.

  • a) All tattoo parlors and body piercing shops. This paragraph does not apply to personnel listed in APPLICABILITY paragraphs (d) and (e).
  • b) All houses of prostitution. A house of prostitution is defined as any building or structure where prostitution or the promotion of prostitution (engaging in any sexual activity with another person for a fee) is regularly carried on by one or more persons under the control, management, or supervision of another.
  • c) The ROK public streets, roads, and highways during the hours of curfew when established by the ROK Government. Travel during curfew hours is permitted, in emergencies or when performing official duties.
  • d) In accordance with the ROK Ministry of Home Affairs notice #89-9, dated 1 December 1989, the ROK Government curfew areas north of civilian control line at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) affecting 16 Ups and Myons of Kangwa, Kimpo, Paju and Yonchon in Kyonggi Province, 20 Ups and Myons of Chorwon, Hwachon, Yanggu, Inje, and Kosong in Kangwon Province, 13 islands near the DMZ in Kyonggi Province, and seas within three (3) nautical miles of coast. Travel is permitted in these areas in emergencies or when performing official duties.


  • (P/HT) = Prostitution/Human Trafficking
  • (FP) = Force Protection
  • (D) = Controlled Substances
  • (H/S) = Health/Safety
  • (UAG) = Underage Drinking

  AT Awareness-Reporting Contact Numbers (3/5/2007)
  USFK Reg 190-2 Off-Limits Areas and Establishments (7/23/2010)

  USAG Y Off Limits List 09 OCT 2012 
  Itaewon Off Limits Maps 09 OCT 2012 
  USFK Civil Gatherings Information 
  USFK FPCON Condition Page

Chinhae  762-5268 
Kunsan (MOB)  782-5195 
Osan (MOB)  784-3915, 
Pyongtaek  754-6142 
Seoul Base Cluster  738-4414, 
Taegu  768-7387 
Tongduchon  730-6680 
Uijongbu  730-2831