GEN Thurman's Philosophy

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Gen. James D. Thurman

Commander UNC/CFC/USFK

Gen. James D. Thurman

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1. VISION:  Lead trained and ready joint, combined forces, capable of deterring external aggression and defending the Korean peninsula while strengthening the ROK-U.S. Alliance maintaining the military Armistice in Korea, and seamlessly conducting OPCON transfer in accordance with Strategic Alliance 2015. Decisively defeat aggression if necessary.

2. Our mission is to defend the Republic of Korea against external aggression and to maintain stability in East Asia.  In order to credibly deter aggression and preserve stability, readiness is essential.  To stay ready our combined forces must be led by strong leaders; trained across the spectrum from engagement to major conflict; and conditioned to be mentally and physically tough.  I have always believed leaders should do “what is legally and morally right”. Leaders create an environment of mutual trust and respect that enables members of the alliance to achieve their full potential, and leaders live by the “Golden Rule,” which puts caring, respect, and fairness first.  We must be ready to respond in a disciplined, decisive, and precise manner; if necessary we must seize the initiative rapidly and execute effectively. Ever vigilant, we must ensure the stability of the Military Armistice in Korea.  To build on the successes of our ROK-U.S. security partnership, we must instill teamwork.  Command priorities lay the foundation for this, strengthened by eight key imperatives:

  • DISCIPLINE.  All well-trained and maintained organizations and forces are disciplined.  Disciplined leaders and Warriors understand, communicate, and live our core values – and are always accountable for their actions. Disciplined units train and operate safely, and do routine tasks out of habit; this gives them the flexibility to deal with the unexpected. Disciplined organizations are our most effective units given the decentralized nature of the contemporary operational environment.  Disciplined leaders support their Warriors, Families and Civilians by creating an environment that fosters collaboration, initiative, and demands doing what is right.  We must instill and preserve the core traits that sustain our profession and keep our forces strong, effective, and safe.
  • LEADING.  Every leader is expected to set the standard for leadership, management, mentoring, and is accountable for the health and performance of the force.  Leaders must know their Warriors and Civilians; leaders must develop, teach, and coach them so they can reach their full potential.  Our Warriors and Civilians deserve the very best from their leaders.  I expect leaders to be tactically and technically proficient.  I also expect leaders and their subordinates to be culturally aware.  We must ensure the ongoing success of this alliance partnership by enhancing the spirit of cooperation.  Leaders will set the tone which will enable successful teamwork.
  • COMBINED TRAINING AND LEADER DEVELOPMENT.  Leadership has always given our alliance the edge.  Rigorous training events increase the combined force’s capability to achieve Strategic Alliance 2015 end states. We must never be satisfied with mere sequencing of events; rather, we must use leading-edge methods to train for dynamic challenges presented by an unscrupulous enemy.  Training provides a key opportunity to synchronize and align forces, both those units assigned during armistice and those units who would reinforce during a renewed conflict. Training will include a full spectrum mindset that encompasses humanitarian assistance up to major combat, exercising seamless operations across land, sea, air, space and cyber, and integrating the superior capabilities of alliance partners from around the world.  Training during exercises also offers a unique opportunity to utilize Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission members as observers. Leader development is integral to sustaining strong units.  Combined individual and collective training will focus on basics, ensuring leaders understand and enforce standards for training, maintenance, conduct, and accountability.
  • TRANSFORMING.  The United Nations Command and the ROK-US Security Partnership demonstrate an enduring commitment to stability on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia.  Although our alliance remains strong, conditions have changed since the inception of our partnership, and continue to change daily.  One thing has not changed: “we go together.”  Together we must push forward to achieve transformation milestones.  During my tenure in command we will focus on milestone achievement, and will optimize organizational and infrastructure implementation to reassure friends and deter adversaries to 2015 and beyond
  • MAINTENANCE.  Maintaining readiness is the cornerstone for ALL units, not only front line combat forces.  Maintaining unit readiness has three primary elements: personnel, equipment, and training readiness.  Personnel readiness means having the right number of personnel in the correct grades and specialties, it means those personnel are deployable, physically fit and trained.  Equipment readiness requires us to have the right equipment, on-hand, operational, accounted for and maintained.  Training readiness ensures our units are proficient – each individual knows their tasks, and the unit knows and can perform its collective tasks.  Credible deterrence doesn’t exist without readiness: we must maintain that readiness.  Units must institutionalize education programs that help Warriors sustain and maintain our irreplaceable people and tough-to-acquire systems.  I ask everyone to remain vigilant to the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse.  We must use our resources wisely.
  • RISK MANAGEMENT.  Composite Risk Management (CRM) is an essential ingredient of readiness and must be integrated into all of our planning, preparation, and execution processes as a holistic approach to making sound risk decisions.  CRM means we plan, prepare and execute by 1) identifying hazards, 2) reducing risk, and 3) preventing loss.  Conducting CRM to standard prevents accidents, keeps Warriors from placing themselves and others in vulnerable positions, and assists commanders to reduce uncertainty and implement risk reduction measures. There is no mission or task so important that it justifies compromising safety.
  • CARING.  Caring for Warriors, Civilians and their Families is essential to readiness.  A Warrior or Civilian's performance is directly related to their perception of self and their family's well-being.  All Warriors, Civilians and their Families will be treated with dignity, fairness and respect.  I’ll accept nothing less.  We will support the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual well-being of our Warriors, Civilians, and Family members.

3.  The ROK-US Alliance is the strongest Alliance in the world. Supporting our Alliance and the United Nations Command are 16 nations that fought valiantly together during the Korean War – today we are committed to enforcing the Armistice Agreement and UN Security Council Resolutions. Multinational Support is critical to maintaining international credibility and the unwavering strength of the alliance. Together, with your steadfast support, we will overcome any threat to the Alliance.

4.  Summary. Deterrence relies on a solid foundation of preparedness; you must be ready to fight as an allied team, and you must thoroughly understand how we will all execute side-by-side.  Every moment ask yourself “Are we ready to fight tonight?”  Remember that our mission is to stay trained and ready – we go together.  …I'll meet you on the high ground!!!