22 March 2012
Water and Food Security

World Water Day

The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. This site started in 2001 as a community space and repository where people can upload their WWD event activities and reports. The theme changes every year for which annual campaign materials can be found at the UN-Water site by clicking on the WWD logo on the right.

Discussing collaboration with UN-Water World Water Day site

We are discussing with UN-Water for next year how we can integrate their and our sites, so that 2012 World Water Day events need to be submitted only once.

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Water and food security is theme for 2012

Water and food security is the theme for the 2012 World Water Day. It is coordinated by FAO on behalf of UN-Water members and partners. A seminar at Stockholm World Water Week in September 2011 discussed key messages and possibe solutions for the campaign in 2012.

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