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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XXI, Africa

List of Abbreviations

  • AF/AFN, Office of Northern African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
  • AF/AFW, Office of West Coast and Malian Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
  • AFB, Air Force Base
  • AFN, Office of Northern African Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
  • AFP, Agence France Presse
  • AID, Agency for International Development
  • ALN, Armee de la Liberation Nationale; National Army of Liberation (Algeria)
  • AMR, Atlantic Missile Range
  • ANC, African National Congress
  • ARMA, Army Attache
  • BB, initials of Ben Bella
  • BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board
  • CAC, United Nations Advisory Committee on the Congo
  • CARE-MEDICO, Cooperative for American Remittances to Everywhere—Medical International Cooperation
  • CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation
  • CENTO, Central Treaty Organization
  • CG, Consulate General
  • CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
  • CINCLANT, Commander in Chief, Armed Forces, Atlantic
  • CINCSAC, Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command
  • ColOff, Colonial Office
  • COMAFELM, Commander, Air Force, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
  • COMNAVACTS, Commander of Naval Activities
  • ConGen, Consulate General
  • CONUS, Continental United States
  • CPP, Convention People's Party (Ghana)
  • Cte, Committee
  • CU, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State
  • CY, calendar year
  • DAC, Development Assistance Committee (OECD)
  • DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
  • Depcirtel, Department of State circular telegram
  • Dept, Department of State
  • Deptel, Department of State telegram
  • DG, Director General
  • DL, Development Loan
  • DLF, Development Loan Fund
  • DOD, Department of Defense
  • ECA, Economic Commission for Africa
  • ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
  • EEC, European Economic Community (Common Market)
  • Embtel, Embassy telegram
  • EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • EUR/WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Exim, Export-Import Bank
  • FAA, Federal Aviation Agency
  • FBO, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Buildings
  • FLN, Front de Liberation Nationale (Algeria)
  • FonOff, Foreign Office
  • FRC, Federal Records Center
  • FRG, Federal Republic of Germany
  • FRIA, international consortium operating a bauxite aluminum plant at Kimbo, Guinea
  • FY, fiscal year
  • FYI, for your information
  • GA, United Nations General Assembly
  • GDR, German Democratic Republic
  • GMT, Greenwich Mean Time
  • GOA, Government of Algeria
  • GOF, Government of France
  • GOG, Government of Ghana; Government of Guinea
  • GOL, Government of Libya
  • GOM, Government of Morocco
  • GOP, Government of Portugal
  • GOT, Government of Tunisia
  • GPRA, Gouvernement Provisoire de la Republique Algerienne (Provisional Government of the Government of Algeria)
  • GRAE, Government of the Republic of Angola in Exile
  • GRN, Government of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
  • GSA, Government of South Africa
  • GSR, Government of the Somali Republic
  • HIM, His Imperial Majesty
  • HMG, Her Majesty's Government
  • IATA, International Air Transport Association
  • IATSG, International Air Transport Study Group
  • IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
  • ICA, International Cooperation Administration
  • ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization
  • ICFTU, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  • ICJ, International Court of Justice
  • IEG, Imperial Ethiopian Government
  • ILO, International Labor Organization
  • IMF, International Monetary Fund
  • INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
  • ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • JCSM, Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum
  • JFK, initials of John F. Kennedy
  • JTF, Joint Task Force
  • LA, Latin America
  • MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
  • MAP, Military Assistance/Aid Program
  • MATS, Military Air Transport Service
  • Memcon, Memorandum of Conversation
  • MIG, A.I. MIkoyan i M.I. Gurevich (Soviet fighter aircraft maned for designers Mikoyan and Gurevich
  • MNA, Mouvement Nationaliste Algerienne
  • MOD, Ministry of Defense
  • MPLA, Mouvement Populaire pour la Liberation d'Angola (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
  • NAC, North Atlantic Council
  • NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • NBC, National Broadcasting Company
  • NFD, Northern Frontier District (Kenya)
  • NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
  • Noforn, no foreign dissemination
  • NR, Northern Rhodesia
  • NSAM, National Security Action Memorandum
  • NSC, National Security Council
  • NYT, New York Times
  • OAS, Organization Armee Secrete (Algeria)
  • OASD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • OAU, Organization of African Unity
  • OCAM, Afro-Malagasy Common Organization (francophone grouping)
  • OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • OPLAN, operation plan
  • OSD/ISA, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Bureau of International Security Affairs
  • PAC, Pan-Africanist Congress (South Africa)
  • PAFMECA, Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa
  • PAG, Provisional Algerian Government
  • PC, Patrol Vessel, Submarine Chaser
  • PGAR, Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic
  • PL, Public Law
  • PM, Prime Minister
  • POLAD, Political Adviser
  • Polto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council to the Department of State
  • PROVEX, Provisional Executive (Algeria)
  • RCA, Radio Corporation of America
  • RG, Record Group
  • RMA, Royal Moroccan Army
  • RMAF, Royal Moroccan Air Force
  • RSAF, Republic of South Africa
  • SA, South Africa
  • SAA, Special Assignment Aircraft
  • SAAF, South African Air Force
  • SAC, Strategic Air Command
  • SAG, South African Government
  • SC, United Nations Security Council
  • SCP, Security Classification Procedure
  • Secto, series indicator for telegrams from the Secretary of State when he is away from Washington
  • Sov, Soviet
  • SR, Southern Rhodesia
  • S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
  • SWA, South West Africa
  • SWAPO, South West Africa Peoples Organization
  • SYG, Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • TIAS, Treaties and Other International Acts Series
  • Topol, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of State to the United States Permanent Representative at the North Atlantic Council
  • Tosec, series indicator for telegrams to the Secretary of State when he is away from Washington
  • TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority
  • UAM, Union Africaine et Malagache (African and Malagasy Union)
  • UAR, United Arab Republic
  • UGTA, Union Generale des Travailleurs Algeriens (General Union of Algerian Workers)
  • UK, United Kingdom
  • UN, United Nations
  • UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • UNIP, United National Independence Party in Northern Rhodesia
  • UNSYG, United Nations Secretary-General
  • UPA, Union des Populations d'Angola (Union of Angolan Populations)
  • UPI, United Press International
  • USAF, United States Air Force
  • USCINCEUR, United States Commander in Chief, Europe
  • USG, United States Government
  • USIA, United States Information Agency
  • USN, United States Navy
  • USNAVEUR, United States Naval Forces, Europe
  • USOM, United States Operations Mission
  • USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • USSTRICOM, United States Strike Command
  • USUN, United States Mission at the United Nations
  • VALCO, Volta Aluminum Company, Ltd.
  • WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • ZAPU, Zimbabwe African Peoples Union