
Congressional Institute Sponsors 31st Annual Congressional Art Competition

The Congressional Institute is proud to have sponsored the 31st Annual Congressional Art Competition with Co-Chairs Representative Hansen Clarke (D-MI) and Representative Tim Griffin (R-AR).


For Women, Economic Issues Dominate Their Lives

According to a new study sponsored by the Congressional Institute, the biggest “woman’s issue” in America is jobs and the economy.  In many cases women’s perspective on these issues is often more personal and more practical, than it is for men.


Putting a Premium on Pixels: Ways to Master Official Online Advertising

View the Congressional Institute's latest report on improving the effectiveness of official online advertising by Members of Congress.

112th Congress Floor Procedures Manual Now Available

The House Floor Procedures Manual is now available on the Congressional Institute's website.

Congressional Institute Publishes Surviving Inside Congress eBook

The Congressional Institute is pleased to announce release its first ebook, a digital release of its staff training manual Surviving Inside Congress.

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How much outside income can a Member earn in a year?

Members can earn an amount equal to 15% of their Congressional salary from outside sources, but with many restrictions.

Read about our past and upcoming work helping Congress better serve the nation. Projects include a review of Congressional Websites and E-Newsletters, development of an Elected Leaders Retreat and the scheduling of Private Sector Advisory Committee Luncheons.
About Congressional Institute
The Congressional Institute, Inc. is dedicated to helping Members of Congress better serve the nation and to helping the public better understand public policy debates and the operations of the national legislature.

Photographs from past Congressional Institute events