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 USDA Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, D.C. 20078-5500

(202) 205-8333

FirstGov: the official portal web site of the U.S. government.
 USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

About Us

Our Vision..."Sustainable Natural Resources and Communities."

Our Mission..."Connecting people to resources, ideas, and one another so they can care for forests and sustain their communities."

The Cooperative Forestry Staff, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, works with States, private landowners, and other partners to promote healthy forests and livable communities throughout the United States. Our programs and partnerships help private landowners and rural communities care for their forests, strengthen local economies, and maintain a high quality of life.

There are nearly 500 million acres of non-Federal forest land in the United States, comprising about 20 percent of the Nation, and two-thirds of the Nation's forests. Over 50 percent of the Nation's forests are privately owned. Management practices on these lands impact the social, economic, and natural environment for everyone.

In partnership with State forestry agencies, Cooperative Forestry currently manages a number of programs:

The Forest Stewardship Program (FSP) helps private landowners manage forests to enhance and maintain productivity, health, biodiversity, soil and water resources, recreation, and aesthetics. FSP helps landowners develop sustainable management plans. FLEP provides educational, technical, and financial assistance to help landowners implement their management objectives.

The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) protects private forest lands from being converted to nonforest uses. FLP helps landowners establish conservation easements on their land.

We are a partnership-driven organization. Federal funding is provided to States, local governments, and non-profit organizations to leverage additional resources and fuel innovative ideas. We work closely with the Forest Service's Urban & Community Forestry staff, other units within the Forest Service, and other federal agencies to enhance and maintain forests across watersheds and ecosystems, both on private and public land.

Strategic Plan - programs are guided by a CF-wide strategic plan.



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 Last Modified: Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010 at 05:24 PM EDT