ECC headquarters� staff continues to grow
(Left to right) Glenda Malden, Expeditionary Contracting Command supervisory human resources specialist Brig. Gen. Joe Bass, ECC commanding general and Col. Tim Strange, ECC chief of staff, discuss day-today business and their new surrounding at their new offices on Redstone Arsenal, Ala.

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. -- Less than two months after officially moving the command's flag here, the Expeditionary Contracting Command has filled more than 70 percent of its staff positions.

Notified in December 2009 that the command would be realigned to Huntsville, ECC personnel had tough decisions to make: move with the command or find new positions elsewhere.

"We understood that moving can be a traumatic event in a person's life," said Col. Tim Strange, ECC chief of staff. "Our employees who decided not to come with us to Huntsville have been pretty successful in finding new positions. And we're very pleased with the candidates we've selected here in the Huntsville area. Hopefully it has turned out to be a win-win situation for all parties."

According to information from various military and civilian organizations tracking Department of Defense civilian employees who move with their jobs as a result of Base Realignment and Closure type relocations, an average of 25-30 percent of the employees transition to the new location. Remarkably, close to two thirds of the command’s civilian personnel decided to make the move to Alabama.

"The fact that so many of them decided to transition to Huntsville with us is a testament to their professionalism, dedication, and the positive ECC command climate” Strange said. “It tells me that the ECC is a good place to work.”

The first ECC personnel arrived for duty on Redstone Arsenal in the spring of 2010. Command Sgt. Maj. John L. Murray, the ECC command sergeant major, arrived in the Spring of 2011 and Brig. Gen. Joe Bass, the ECC commanding general, arrived on the scene July 24.

Currently fewer than 10 ECC employees remain in the Fort Belvoir area. The remaining military are in the process of permanent changes of station while a couple of civilians remain on the priority placement program list for job placement. Those civilians will come off of the ECC rosters August 1.

The ECC plans and executes effective and agile contracting support for U.S. Army service component commanders in support of Army and joint operations. Provide effective and responsive contracting support for outside of the continental United States installation operations.

Page last updated Thu July 28th, 2011 at 00:00