• FORT CARSON, Colo. " Major General Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, addresses an audience of Soldiers, Family and friends of the "Mountain Post" gathered to celebrate a Black History Month Observance at the Elkhorn Conference Center on post, Feb. 28, 2012. Anderson thanked the audience for their support and the 4th Inf. Div. Soldiers who coordinated the event. "Keep up the good work and cooperation," Anderson said. "(We had) a great turn out. We have to keep building on these (events). This is how we do thing in the Army, especially in this division."

    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson.

    FORT CARSON, Colo. " Major General Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, addresses an audience of Soldiers, Family and friends of the "Mountain Post" gathered to celebrate a Black History Month Observance at the...

  • FORT CARSON, Colo. " Guest speaker Arraun Anderson addresses an approximately 250 Soldiers, Family members and friends of the "Mountain Post" about African-American women and their struggles during a Black History Month Observance at the Elkhorn Conference Center on post, Feb. 28, 2012. The 16-year-old spokesman for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Colorado Springs Chapter, reminded the audience of milestones, tragedies and hardships endured by black women in American culture and history.

    Guest speaker speech.

    FORT CARSON, Colo. " Guest speaker Arraun Anderson addresses an approximately 250 Soldiers, Family members and friends of the "Mountain Post" about African-American women and their struggles during a Black History Month Observance at the Elkhorn...

  • FORT CARSON, Colo. " Soldiers, Family and friends of the "Mountain Post" sample traditional southern African-American cuisine at Fort Carson's Elkhorn Conference Center during a Black History Month Observance, Feb. 28, 2012.

    Food Sample.

    FORT CARSON, Colo. " Soldiers, Family and friends of the "Mountain Post" sample traditional southern African-American cuisine at Fort Carson's Elkhorn Conference Center during a Black History Month Observance, Feb. 28, 2012.

FORT CARSON, Colo. --Soldiers, Family members and friends of Fort Carson attended the Black History Month Observance held at the Elkhorn Conference Center, Feb. 28.
Guest speaker, 16-year-old Arraun Anderson, reminded the audience of milestones, tragedies and hardships endured by black women in American history.
Americans have annually recognized Black History Month, since its inception in 1926 as "Negro History Week" largely thanks to Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a Harvard University graduate and son of former slaves.
"It is important to positively reflect on the tremendous accomplishments and sacrifices made by African-American women in our country," said Master Sgt. Bobby Estrada, senior equal opportunity adviser, 4th Infantry Division.
Those women inspire us though courage, service and tenacious winning spirit," said Estrada.
"Black History Month, to me, means remembering the culture and what we have been through, and what we still have to accomplish," said Anderson, speaker for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Colorado Springs Chapter.
Anderson, a high school junior, expressed his gratitude for the black women who have inspired him throughout his life.
"There are many women who deserve to have their stories told and retold, many women of all backgrounds, many African-American women," he said.
Following Anderson's remarks, Soldiers of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div., read a list of personal facts about influential black women. In return, audience members shouted out names of who they thought the narrators described during a portion of the observance titled "Who am I."
During the event, Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Inf. Div. and fort Carson, also took the opportunity to share a personal story of his own.
The commanding general expressed his gratitude for role models in the African-American community, sharing with the audience his experience with a prominent black woman in American history and culture -- Oprah Winfrey. General Anderson worked with the national talk show host in September 2004, when she gave a baby shower for more than 600 expectant mothers at Fort Campbell, Ky.
The general concluded the ceremony by thanking the attendees and 1st BCT Soldiers for helping make the observance possible.

Page last updated Wed February 29th, 2012 at 00:00