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STAND-TO! Edition: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today's Focus:

Operational Energy

Senior Leaders are Saying

"... Conservation, efficiency, sustainability, technology, advancements and behavioral change are the pathways to creating an energy- and water-secure Army."

- Senior leaders

View the complete- Senior leader message: Army Energy Awareness Month- October 2012 Enhancing Mission Effectiveness

Related: STAND-TO! Army Energy Awareness Month

What They're Saying

"Our basic trainees are part of the millennial generation and have grown up with computers. It's a new and exciting way to learn, instead of just having somebody talk to you until you're tired of listening. They get to check out a video on it, play a game, so to speak, and explain it to their buddies. I'm not using it to get away from teaching classes, but to make the classroom less necessary than it used to be."

- Capt. J.R. Wagner, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jackson, S.C., speaking about the new Virtual Battlespace 2, a pilot training tool which will be used to teach skills to new Soldiers.

Fort Jackson training new Soldiers with Virtual Battlespace 2 simulator

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Today's Focus

Operational Energy

What is it?

Operational Energy is the energy and associated systems, information, and processes required to train, move, and sustain forces and systems for military operations. Operational Energy incorporates elements of Soldier, Basing and Vehicle Power. It is a key enabler for operations, essential for combined arms maneuvers and required for Soldier sustainment.

What has the Army done?

The Army is enhancing mission effectiveness through Army Power and Energy Advancements. The Army is fielding Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (generators) to Afghanistan, which use 21 percent less fuel than currently fielded generators.

The Army is exploring more fuel-efficient vehicles for combat, better fuel management systems and alternative fuels, which reduce our logistical footprint and provide Soldiers flexibility, agility and longevity on the battlefield.

The Network Integration Evaluation and deploying battalions are testing a variety of equipment and technology to improve our operational energy posture, to include a JP8-powered 1kW generator, a JP8-powered 1kW fuel cell, a modular universal battery charger, and Soldier Worn Integrated Power Equipment System.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army is undertaking a range of initiatives to meet operational energy challenges, deploying solutions at brigade and battalion sized operating bases throughout Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Army is developing a comprehensive approach to energy-informed behaviors, including a culture study and integration of energy into training, education and exercises.

The Army strategy will continue to increase operational energy effectiveness through a balanced approach: increasing performance, reducing consumption, increasing efficiency, creating energy alternatives and assuring availability.

Why is this important to the Army?

Operational Energy performance drives operational effectiveness through mobility, agility, flexibility, resilience and sustainability. Smart energy wins the fight. Improving the Army's Operational Energy Posture will increase mission effectiveness by enhancing or preserving adaptability, versatility, flexibility and sustainability, reducing costs and preserving future choice. It's not just about using operational energy less, but using it best.

Providing energy alternative capabilities and interoperability builds flexibility and resilience through increased ability to respond to changes in operational demands, and greater ability to adapt to changes in the operational environment.

Integrating operational energy strategies into the Army's culture, processes and systems promotes adaptive and innovative leaders for a flexible and agile force of decisive action. The Army needs enough power and energy in the right form, at the right place and the right time to conduct modern military operations.


Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment) Energy News
Energy Initiatives Task Force
Army Energy Program
STAND-TO!: Army Energy Awareness Month

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Page last updated Wed October 17th, 2012 at 08:47