Senior Army Leader Flags
The official flags of the Secretary of the Army (top), Chief of Staff of the Army (left) and Sergeant Major of the Army (right).

We have the opportunity this holiday to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in this great Nation. For more than two centuries, our country has been the source of hope for those who seek opportunity and freedom. For more than 232 years, the Army has been the guarantor of those freedoms.

You have volunteered to serve without the benefit of knowing where your service might lead. Your Families have volunteered to stand with you and share in the sacrifices and hardships. Together, your selfless service preserves our way of life and enables others to have a better future. With the support of your Families, you Aca,!" the American Soldier and Army Civilian Aca,!" are the NationAca,!a,,cs greatest strength.

We could not be more proud of you and of the magnificent work you do each and every day to preserve the gifts of hope and freedom.

May you have a safe and joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. God bless each of you and your Families, God bless the Army, and God bless the United States of America.

Pete Geren
Secretary of the Army

George W. Casey, Jr.
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff

Kenneth O. Preston
Sergeant Major of the Army

Page last updated Fri December 21st, 2007 at 15:56