This Week's TriFacta for October 15

October 15, 2012

Jobs and the Economy 

The Standard of Living Falls in President Obama’s Part-Time Economy: The number of Americans forced to work part-time because they cannot find full-time work in our stalled economy grew by 582,000 in the month of September, rising to the highest level since October of 2011. Sadly, the only reason that the unemployment rate declined is because people who wanted full-time work settled for part-time jobs. As Americans are unable to find enough work because of President Obama’s failed economic policies, the standard of living continues to fall even as the unemployment rate technically goes down.



U.S. Debt Now $134,700 Per Household: According to the Department of Treasury, the U.S. debt recently exceed $16 trillion for the first time in history and is now equal to $134,700 for every household in the country.  Per person, the U.S. debt is now $51,364.  Since President Obama took office, national debt has increased by $5.4 trillion.


Health Care

Government Run Health Coverage is Not the Same Thing as Health Care: As Avik Roy points out in Forbes, just because you have health insurance, this doesn’t mean you can see a doctor when you need to. The article references a study that shows patients with private insurance lived significantly longer than those with no insurance, however, patients with Medicaid did not. Medicaid beneficiaries have notoriously low access to health care; 31 percent of physicians were unwilling to accept any new Medicaid patients in 2011.The fundamental problem with Obamacare is that it “expands coverage, in large part, by pouring trillions of dollars into the Medicaid program, without making any meaningful improvements to the way that program is structured.”


 The Republican Plan for Job Creation and Growth 

House Republicans have a plan to restore confidence and certainty to the economy and create jobs. For more information on the House Republican Growth Plan, click here:




If you have any questions or would like to submit an idea for next week’s “Tri-Facta,” please contact Lisa Collins.

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