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Individual cases and outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) occur around the world. In countries with temperate (varying) climates, cases occur more often in the spring to fall.

Since 1997, large outbreaks of HFMD caused by enterovirus 71 have been reported mostly in children in east and Southeast Asia. In these outbreaks, most children have typical symptoms of HFMD and recover without health complications. However, a small number of people with this disease develop severe complications requiring hospitalization or even causing death.

Studies are being done to understand why these outbreaks occur and why some people have severe disease. Research is also being done to develop treatments and vaccines to help prevent HFMD in the future.

To learn more about outbreaks occurring in some countries in Asia, visit the World Health Organization.

CDC Travel Notice

Large outbreaks of HFMD are occurring in Vietnam this year. Travelers can protect themselves by practicing personal hygiene tips. More >>


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