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Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Electronic Reading Room

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Our electronic reading room is a resource for you to learn more about our agency. You will find links to our annual Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, reports and important contracts within the agency.

Advanced Imaging Technology Documents

Management Directives and Policy Statements

Annual Reports

Starting in 2005, our annual FOIA report was consolidated with the Department of Homeland Security's annual report. Accessing reports for years following 2005 will download the report hosted on

Frequently Requested Documents

Collective Bargaining

Claims Data



  • FOIA Logs for 1/13/2010 - 1/13/2012 (pdf, 896kb)
    Due to the nature of this redacted document it may not be fully Section 508 compliant. For assistance with accessing this document, please contact the FOIA Office at 1-866-364-2872 or locally at 571-227-2300.
  • FOIA Logs for FY 2009 - FY 2010 (pdf, 7.1mb)
    Due to the nature of this redacted document it may not be fully Section 508 compliant. For assistance with accessing this document, please contact the FOIA Office at 1-866-364-2872 or locally at 571-227-2300.

X-ray Screening Technology Safety Reports

Since TSA’s inception, the agency has implemented stringent safety protocols to ensure that technology used at airports to screen people and property is safe for all passengers, as well as the TSA workforce. In the spirit of transparency, TSA is posting reports for all radiation tests, including the annual TSA-mandated test of every X-ray based technology. You can find them here.

Latest revision: 05 October 2012