CLDP's 20th Anniversary Event

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GC Kerry moderating a discussion at the CLDP 20th Anniversary Event

The Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) was created in February, 1992 and on February 23, 2012, the Office of the General Counsel hosted an event to thank the institutions and the individuals who created CLDP and/or helped it grow, and to reflect on lessons learned. General Counsel Kerry presented awards to several USG officials and private sector experts who have made important contributions to CLDP programs and to the strengthening of the rule of law worldwide.

In a discussion moderated by General Counsel Cameron F. Kerry, Judge Bernice B. Donald from the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, and Judge Delissa Ridgway from the US Court of International Trade, reflected on their experiences doing work for CLDP in many countries over the years. Both judges concluded that the judicial capacity building programs conducted by CLDP have resulted in two significant changes: foreign judges now realize that they can play a significant role in the economic development of their countries; they have now the expertise and the confidence to help bring about the judicial environment, adapted to their country’s specific context, that are conducive to foreign investment and trade.

The program also featured remarks by Commerce Secretary Bryson on the importance of a modern and fair commercial law environment for US firms that export or invest overseas, by Ambassador William Taylor, Special Coordinator for Middle East Transitions at the US Department of State, on CLDP’s ability to respond promptly to State’s priorities for technical assistance in commercial law, and by Linda Wells, founder of CLDP, on the genesis and growth of the program.