The American People Are Angry

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Published on Jun 27, 2012 by

"The American people are angry. They are angry because they are living through the worst recession since the Great Depression," said Bernie Sanders said on the floor of the Senate.
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  • Power to Sen. Bernie Sanders. A true People's Senator who has not been co-opted by corporate fascism.

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  • A light in a world of darkness.

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  • are you literally mad about this? It is colloquial in the USA to refer to its people as Americans.

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  • The people who keep the country running? Impotent perhaps. Irrelevant, never!

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  • Senator Sanders is truly the people's Senator. Bravo to you sir!

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  • i am a 20yr old male i was making 9.00 dollars a hour an 8hr shift w/ benefits an now i am working for 7.50 working a 12hr shift w/ no benefits no vacation time for the first two years. i watched my co-workers lose everything an i am very pissed off 

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  • How can the American People Force Our Elected Leaders to do the Job they Swore a Sacred Oath of Office to do, which is to Honor, to Protect and Defend the Will of the People and the Constitution? That's what everyone should be talking about.

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  • What would happen if France decides to call themselves France of Europe and call themselves Europeans... What would the other European powers like Germany, UK, Italy, Spain etc etc say? they would tell them hell no we are Europeans too. that name belongs to all of us... Same thing in America.. America is a very big Continent... From Canada to Argentina, to the Caribbean is America. because of that we are also Americans....

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  • The American people are angry? wtf? Is this Video meant to be For the whole Continent of America? to say the American people are angry? AMERICA STARTS IN GREENLAND & CANADA AND ENDS UP IN ARGENTINA IN THE SOUTH PART OF AMERICA.... AND AMERICA HAS 37 COUNTRIES IN IT... PEOPLE IN THE USA ARE SO IGNORANT.....

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  • WHO IS the addressed Madam president please, much appreciated

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  • More than anyone else in the government, this man makes me so proud to be an American! God bless you Senator Sanders!

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  • Well you need to become angry it's like standing up against a bully basically.

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