USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

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News and Events

Colored Celebrating Wildflowers title graphic with wildflowers in the foreground upon a green mountain backdrop.

We will provide information about wildflower- and botany-related events, news, events, and activities.


We will provide general and regional information about Celebrating Wildflower-related hikes, artistic events, and programs. These may be hosted by the Forest Service or they may be hosted by other government agencies or organizations. Please refer to the host's link for contact information.

Celebrating Wildflowers News

Wildflowers: Part of the Pageantry of Fall Colors - Fall 2012

Dark green rocky mountain juniper with light gray cones mixing with yellow and gold green ash trees and choke cherry shrubs on a hillside.

Look up into the trees and you'll find beautiful vistas of leaves changing color in different regions of the United States this fall. But look down at the forest floor and you'll find an even greater array of colors. There are approximately 20,000 wildflower species in the United States and the U.S. Forest Service has many stories to share with you.

Read more about wildflowers and fall colors…

Non-Native Invasive Species: Eastern Region Program Accomplishments 2011

Non-Native Invasive Species: Eastern Region Program Accomplishments 2011 cover page.

The Eastern Region of the Forest Service Non-native Invasive Species Program is guided by the Forest Service's Non-native Invasive Species Framework (PDF, 326 KB). The Eastern Region's accomplishments for 2011 are summarized in Non-Native Invasive Species: Eastern Region Program Accomplishments 2011 (PDF, 2.1 MB).

Chippewa National Forest's Wildflower Viewing Areas

Showy Ladyslippers.
Showy Ladyslippers.

Wildflower Viewing Areas are sites of high botanic interest selected by botanists for the native plants and flowers found within them. Two of these areas can be found on the Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota. Consider visiting these sites during your next trip to the forest. Don't forget your camera!

Read more about the Chippewa National Forest's Wildflower Viewing Areas…

Botanists Work to Protect Sensitive Plant Habitats - July 10, 2012

Two botanists walking through the forest.
Botanists are working across the Black Hills National Forest everyday to protect sensitive plant habitats.

Botanists are working across the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota, everyday to protect sensitive plant habitats. Recently botanists and timber managers teamed up to determine a boundary for a newly identified pocket of trees infested with mountain pine beetle inside a timber sale area. Before the trees can be removed, botanists and timber sale administration specialists needed to survey and walk through the area, looking at riparian buffers, sensitive plant habitat, timber harvest feasibility, transportation, and other resources.

Read more about botanists working to protect sensitive plant habitats…

USFS offers wildflower training to local guides - July 6, 2012

Guide writing wildflower names down on a piece of paper while another guide is identifying the wildflowers.
Guides learn about wildflowers by writing their names down on a piece of paper while hiking on trails. Diane Jeantet/The Cordova Times.

By Diane Jeantet
The Cordova Times

A handful of lucky Cordovans recently participated in a wildflower education workshop offered by the US Forest Service (USFS). The workshop was specially tailored for local outfitters and guides as a means of increasing guiding expertise; and also to help researchers raise awareness around the issue of non-native, invasive plants in Alaska.

Read more about the Forest Service offering training to local Cordova guides…

Stewart-Phelps Wins National Grasslands Award - July 2, 2012

Leslie Stewart-Phelps.
Leslie Stewart-Phelps.

Leslie Stewart-Phelps, Rangeland Management Specialist and Botanist for the Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands, was recently honored with the distinguished Grassland Conservation Award from the National Grasslands Council. The award recognizes her work administering grazing management on 94,000 acres of the Oglala National Grasslands, in addition to responsibilities as Nebraska Forests and Grasslands Botanist to assess project proposals for possible impacts to threatened, endangered or sensitive plant species.

Read more about Stewart-Phelps gettng this award…

Wildflowers are blooming throughout National Forests, June 19, 2012

District Ranger Cavan Fitzsimmons.
Cavan Fitzsimmons, Hebgen Lake District Ranger.

Hebgen Basin is home to a myriad of flora and fauna some of which is unique to our community's corner of public land and many of which stretch out across the Custer and Gallatin National Forests as well as the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Nearly 1,150 species of flowering plants are represented across Hebgen Basin and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Surrounding the Hebgen Lake Ranger District and the Gallatin National Forest is a maze of public land management direction that aims to work together on larger landscape level projects, where possible. Coordination with adjacent public lands is critical to ensuring that management of resources is successful.

Read more about wildflowers blooming throughout National Forests, written by Cavan Fitzsimmons, on the West Yellowstone News website…

Read more about related wildflower viewing areas on the Gallatin National Forest:

Volunteers Plant Pollinator Garden at Mark Twain National Forest Headquarters

Boy Scouts planting native plants.
Rolla Presbyterian Church's Boy Scouts Pack 83 April 22, 2012 cut slits in plastic to plant Ozark Highlands native plants.

Twenty five volunteers on April 22, 2012, spent Earth Day planting a pollinator garden in front of Mark Twain National Forest headquarters. Missouri Master Naturalists Meramec Hills Chapter, Rolla Presbyterian Church's Boy Scouts Pack 83, Lincoln University's Native Plant Program, Jefferson City, and Mark Twain National Forest employees planted 150 native plants that occur on glades, savannas and prairie communities within the Ozark Highlands in Missouri.

Read more about volunteers planting a pollinator garden…

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Plant of the Week

Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens).
Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens)

Pollinator of the Month

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus).
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

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Last modified: Wednesday, 10-Oct-2012 11:39:56 EDT