USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield

Awards for Celebrating Wildflowers

Celebrating Wildflowers is dedicated to the enjoyment of the thousands of wildflowers growing on our national forests and grasslands, and to educating the public about the many values of native plants. USDA Forest Service botanists and other specialists as well as numerous volunteers from around the country have contributed to the editing, content, construction, and maintenance of this website.

Since posting the Celebrating Wildflowers web pages on the Forest Service website, we have received numerous e-mails complementing the agency for various aspects of the site. Forest Service employees, volunteers, and partners are very proud and honored by the recognition received by the Celebrating Wildflowers web pages.

September 2010

O.N.Z.C.D.A. Awards their Gold Award to Celebrating Wildflowers

O.N.Z.C.D.A. Gold Award logo.

“O.N.Z.C.D.A. staff have completed assessments of Celebrating Wildflowers and it gives us immense pleasure to be able to award our Gold award this being issued on the date of 22/09/2010.

We congratulate you on the excellent work you presented to us, encourage you in your endeavors and we will look forwards to visiting your web site again in the future.”

“Dedicated to the enjoyment of the thousands of wildflowers growing in national forests and grasslands and to educating the public about the many values of native plants this site does not forget the children providing puzzles, coloring pages and fun activities! Many USDA Forest Service botanists and other specialists around the country have contributed to the editing, content, construction and maintenance of the site. Through their program Forest Service personnel and Celebrating Wildflowers partners and volunteers present informative talks, lead wildflower hikes, staff displays at public events such as flower and garden shows, write wildflower articles for the popular media and prepare and produce educational materials. A most relaxing site visit and one that is certainly worthy of bookmarking.”

Congratulations from O.N.Z.C.D.A Staff

April 2010

US Forest Service: Celebrating Wildflowers: Pollinators recognized by Surfing the Net with Kids

Surfing the Net with Kids

"Congratulations! "US Forest Service: Celebrating Wildflowers: Pollinators" was reviewed in my "Surfing the Net with Kids" newspaper column on 04/21/2010. "Surfing the Net with Kids" is syndicated nationally and appears in many papers across the U.S. including San Diego Union-Tribune and The Boston Globe."

Barbara J. Feldman
Syndicated Columnist "Surfing the Net with Kids"

"Pollinators are responsible for one out of every three bits of food you eat!" This is my pollination pick-of-the-week site because of the depth of information presented and the friendly layout. Topics covered (for middle and high school students) include What is Pollination, Animal Pollination, Environmental Benefits, and Cultural Importance. "Native peoples were the first to recognize the role of pollination and to plant corn in such a way that they could hybridize certain types of corn for particular characteristics and purposes. Native Americans are known as the "first hybridizers" for their scientific talents in cross-pollination and hybridization."

July 2009

Weekly Link Award "Weekly Link Award" winner for this week (July 26 - August 1, 2009)

"We have the pleasure to inform you that "Celebrating Wildflowers" has been selected as the "Weekly Link Award" winner for this week (July 26 - August 1, 2009)."

June 2008

Bronze 2007 Astral Award graphic

Bronze 2007 Astral Award

"It gives us great pleasure to inform you that your site has won a Bronze Astral Award. We enjoyed visiting your site and learning more wildflowers! Over all your site is well constructed, easy to navigate and very content rich. Congratulations on a job well done!"

March 2008

Marseille Prospective Lions Club Bronze Award Winner graphic

Marseille Prospective Lions Club - Prospective Award - March 2008 - Bronze Award Winner

"Due to the high quality of your website "Celebrating Wildflowers", we are delighted to be able to award you our Bronze Prospective Award, which is very difficult to win!"

February 2008

Tim's Golden Spider Award - February 2008

Tim's Golden Spider Award

"After an extensive evaluation we would like to congratulate you with your high standards of web page design. Well designed and we will gladly visit your site again. That's why we award your site with Tim's Golden Spider Award, which is rated as a World's Top Award!"

January 2008

American Association Of Webmasters - Gold Award 2008

The American Association Of Webmasters Gold Award logo

The American Association Of Webmasters Awards are primarily designed to supply formal recognition to webmasters and designers who have shown outstanding achievement in web design, content and creativity.

"Congratulations! Your site at: Celebrating Wildflowers has been selected to receive The American Association Of Webmasters, "Gold" Award. We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site and your efforts are well deserved. Your site displays: A nice clean Design and Layout of Website, with quality content and informative information for your visitors."

Award of Paradise - Gold Award

Award of Paradise Gold Award logo

"The Award of Paradise was created to reward the hard work of webmasters, who have spent a great deal of time on their websites and who show creativity in design and content.

I am extremely proud to present your site with the Award of Paradise in gold. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review your work. The visit was most inspiring. Your effort and dedication shine throughout your pages. You are truly deserving of our highest accolades, and for making the World Wide Web a much better and nicer place for us all to visit. I wish you all the best and many more awards in the future."

December 2007

Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards - Content Site of the Year 2007

Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards - Content Site of the Year 2007 award logo


It is with distinct honour and pleasure, we like to announce that you, Celebrating Wildflowers, won our Content Site of the Year 2007 award. This award is selected only once a year, amongst all the gold winners of the last year.

It is awarded to THE site which content is so good, one absolutely cannot live without. In short the best of the best! And you just jumped out above all other gold winners.

Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards"

Alcazarén Award - Silver Award December 12, 2007

Alcazarén Awards Program Silver Award logo

"Greetings, your website has won the Alcazaren Silver Award. The content, design and navigation of the Celebrating Wildflowers page has been evaluated with very high scoring. Your description of the many alternatives to enjoy the wildflowers in the USA is very complete, the page design is also very easy to navigate and of top quality. Again, congratulations for your dedication to the website flourishment.

Evaluation date: 2007-12-27. Best regards from Madrid, Luis Vadillo"

November 2007

Firestarter Awards - Bronze Award Winner November 15, 2007

Firestarter Awards Bronze Award logo

"Celebrating Wildflowers has something for everyone with teacher resources, a kids section with educational information on wildflowers and coloring books, native gardening to encourage people to use native plants when planning their gardens and much more. The website is quite impressive in regards to the tremendous amount of work and detail that has gone into it! We thoroughly enjoyed our time evaluating this site and will hope to make visits in the future for reference. It is a wonderful contribution to the WWW."

October 2007

World Wide Web Awards - Gold Award Winner October 30, 2007

World Wide Web Awards Gold Award logo

"As one of Worlds peak internet bodies, the Awards of The World Wide Web Awards™ are amongst the most prestigious available and hence, amongst some of the more difficult to win on the web. Congratulations! Your site at: Celebrating Wildflowers has been selected to receive the World Wide Web Awards™ "Gold" Award.

We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site and your efforts are well deserved. Your site displays: A clean and organized design, user friendliness, quality content and informative information for your visitors."

May 2007

Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards Gold Award logo for Celebrating Wildflowers

Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards - Gold Award Winner May 2007

"Congratulations! After thoroughly reviewing your site, we, the Staff of Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards, have decided to grant you our Gold Award, rated World’s Top Award. You achieved a score of: 95 /100.

Your site is the perfect ambassador wildflowers could ever hope for as it truly has it all: for us flower admirers, but also teachers and kids. Not only the extensive content is exquisite, the design of the site complements it wonderfully, both in color as well as build-up. And with each visits one can learn something new…An impressive accomplishment for sure." (Vie's Inn of Wonders Staff)

February 2007

Gold Lynx Award Site of the Month Celebrating Wildflowers

Gold Site of the Month for February 2007

"Congratulations! Your site-Celebrating Wildflowers Has also been chosen as the Gold Site of The Month for February 2007." (John Wilkins, Lynx Awards)

Lynx Award logo for the Celebrating Wildflowers website.

Gold Award Winner of The Lynx Award for the Month

"Celebrating wildflowers has been chosen as a Gold Award Winner of The Lynx Award for this month.

I truly enjoyed visiting your site. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your site. It is an honor to present the Lynx Award to you." (John Wilkins, Lynx Awards)

January 2007

Graphic: Outstanding Website Award 2007 sponsored by Disability Network.

Disability Network 2007 Outstanding Website Award

“We would like to take this time to honor you for your hard work and dedication on your web site. Your web site was submitted for consideration for our Outstanding Web Site Award. Our staff have reviewed your web site and found it to meet our criteria and standards set fourth. Your web site clearly reflects your commitment, hard work and dedication in your presentation.”

Talking Hands Awards

Talking Hands logo.

"Our judges and reviewing staff considered the sixteen nominations for your production to receive "The Talking Hands Award" (a web site award) which has been in existence since 1986. Our singular purpose is to reward web site authors, who through their creative excellence provide a web site which teaches, contains teaching elements in sufficient detail, and otherwise leave a visitor with something of significant value after returning to their normal daily activities, which will enable them to be better citizens of the world. All who reviewed your production were in agreement that you meet or exceed our requirements."

Talking Hands 4th Quarter 2006 Honoree logo.

Talking Hands 2006 Annual Award logo.

The Celebrating Wildflowers website was honored in the category of environment for the month of December 2006, was selected best website for the 4th quarter, 2006 and then was selected as the Talking Hands 2006 annual award honoree.

“Our 2006 annual award honoree is USDA Forest Service-Celebrating Wildflowers. Within this website you will find a fusion of artists and technicians whose presentations in living color and flowing words appeal to a broad general audience with particular attention paid to those details which enable our youth and those less fortunate than ourselves. The agency is preparing a number of additional modules to expand the teacher resources and children activities.” (Talking Hands)

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:33:02 EDT