<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usag-yongsan/2864699561/" title="USAG-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall by usag.yongsan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3190/2864699561_94840091a9_m.jpg" width="192" height="240" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10" alt="USAG-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall" /></a>It's time to face facts. Every day we get a day older. We are an aging workforce. But we also get a day wiser. That's why we all need to think about getting smart about physical fitness.

In May, we take time to observe May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. This is something in which we can all take part. Being fit is more a state of mind than just going out and doing some push-ups and sit-ups.

I'm talking about how we manage stress, family life, diet and exercise. This is a good start for living a long and healthy life. Fortunately, at U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan, we have the resources in place to get you on the right road.

Servicemembers have physical fitness plans in place. Our Civilian Employees, and Family Members, also have help available.

For example in the Seoul area, Collier Field House, Trent Gymnasium and K-16 Air Base Gymnasium are all great starting points for your journey. Specifically, we have an expert in place who serves as the garrison's fitness coordinator: Tracey Briggs. Tracy's main mission is to raise fitness awareness. For information on our programs, call 736-3340.

Shortly, we will be energizing a "Fit for Life" program in the garrison. This program will offer up to three hours of administrative leave weekly to our Department of the Army Civilian Employees for physical fitness. It's a supervised, worthwhile program that we've successfully conducted here before. I highly recommend you get involved.

What we eat and drink is also a factor in living a healthy life. We have nutrition experts at the Brian Allgood Community Hospital who are willing to provide unit classes, or personal counseling sessions. We also offer nutrition classes at Army Community Services.

Our ACS is also a great place to find help with dealing with stress and family life. We offer classes in anger management, financial management and family issues. Of course, our community chaplains are well prepared to help you deal with the tough times in life.

So folks, let's make a special effort to look out for our personal health. This month, take time out for your health, take some vacation, relax, exercise, eat right and enjoy life. Army Strong!

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Page last updated Thu April 30th, 2009 at 19:10