Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge
Pacific Southwest Region
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Waterfowl Hunting


Hunt Area
Hunting is allowed within the posted boundaries of the hunt area (see map). Shooting is only allowed along the bank ofthe Salinas River on the southeast portionof the refuge toward the river. Access to hunt area is by foot only. Shooting from the river toward the refuge river bank is prohibited. Mobility-impaired hunters should consult with the refuge manager for allowed conveyances.

Hunting Season
PintailWaterfowl hunting season extends from approximately mid-October to mid-January. During the season, hunting is permitted daily from one half-hour before sunrise until sunset. More specific information is contained in California Hunting Regulations, Waterfowl.

Huntable Species
Only ducks, geese, coots, and common moorhens may be hunted on the refuge. All other wildlife is protected.

Retrieval Dogs
Only dogs engaged in hunting activities in the hunt area of the refuge during the waterfowl season are permitted. Hunters must keep their dog(s) under their immediate control at all times. Dogs may not be trained on the refuge. All other dogs and pets are prohibited.

Retrieving Zones
Hunters may use dogs or inflatables to enter closed areas of the refuge to retrieve downed birds, provided that they leave all weapons on the bank.

All hunters must carry a valid California hunting license. Hunters 16 years or older must also possess a valid, signed, Federal Duck Stamp, a State Duck Stamp, and the Harvest Information Program participation stamp.

Additional Permits and Reservations
None Required.

Bag and Possession Limits
Hunting limits vary from year to year; read California Hunting Regulations, Waterfowl on the California Department of Fish and Game's website for up-to-date information.

Weapons and Ammunition
Only legal shotguns are permitted in the designated hunt area during the waterfowl hunting season. Firearms must be unloaded until you are in the designated hunt area. Hunters may possess only approved non-toxic shot shells in quantities of 25 or less while on the refuge.

All accidents and injuries occurring on the refuge must be immediately reported to the Refuge Manager, Salinas River NWR.

Removal of Personal Property
Decoys and other personal property, including blinds, must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day. Hunters must remove all trash, including shotshell hulls, when leaving hunting areas. Please refrain from using vegetation to create blinds.

Use or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting is prohibited.

Camping, Campfires, and Overnight Parking

Hunter Survey
Please fill out the optional hunter survey (located in a wooden box by the parking lot) prior to leaving the refuge. This information will assist us in determining hunting participation in the area as well as aid in procuring funds for further improvements.

Refuge Map

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Refuge Map

Last updated: March 3, 2009