San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Pacific Southwest Region

Hunt Program

Click the following links for hunt unit maps:

San Luis Unit

Blue Goose Unit

Frietas Unit

West Bear Creek Unit

East Bear Creek Unit

Kesterson Unit

Merced Unit

Lonetree Unit


General Information:

Goose, duck, coot, and moorhen hunting is permitted on designated areas of the Refuge Complex subject to the following conditions or as may otherwise be posted.  In addition, pheasant and snipe hunting is allowed on designated portions of the San Luis NWR.

  • Hunters may possess not more than 25 federally approved nontoxic shotgun shells after leaving parking lot (the Merced NWR is 25 shells per day). 
  • Vehicles may stop only at designated, assigned parking areas.  The dropping of passengers or equipment or stopping between designated parking areas is prohibited.  All permits must be returned to the check-stations immediately upon completion of your hunt, before using any tour routes or leaving the refuge vicinity.
  • Use or possession of alcoholic beverages while in the field is prohibited.  
  • Hunters must possess valid hunting licenses, stamps, and area permits while in the field.  
  • Access to individual blinds and zones may be limited to those holding location-specific permits.  This includes Kesterson and Freitas pheasant zones, pond assignments within West Bear Creek, East Bear Creek, Lonetree, the San Luis River Unit, and within the spaced blind areas of Merced, Blue Goose, and Kesterson Units.  Hunters are restricted to their assigned blind or zone, except to retrieve downed birds, place decoys, or to travel between the blind and the assigned hunter parking area.
  • Loaded weapons are prohibited outside of assigned blinds within the spaced blind areas.  At all times on the refuge, weapons must be unloaded (no ammunition in the magazine or chamber) when in a boat under power, in a vehicle, or on a bicycle.  
  • Within the free roam area, hunters may use only portable blinds, temporary blinds constructed of natural materials, or existing concrete barrel blinds.  The construction of permanent blinds is prohibited.  The cutting/breaking of woody vegetation is prohibited.  All portable blinds, decoys, and other personal equipment must be removed from the refuge each day. 

These additional regulations are specific to individual units:  

  • For Kesterson blinds 28 - 31 accessed via a one-way road: No new permits will be issued after start of shoot time. No refills will be issued for these blinds.  
  • At the North and South Freitas unit, hunting is allowed 7 days per week.  On Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays permits are required and the California Department of Fish and Game check station regulations and procedures are in effect.  The area is closed from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.  
  • Access to the Freitas Unit is via boat only, with a maximum speed of 5 mph.  Inboard water thrust and air-thrust boats are prohibited (jet skis, air boats, inboard jet boats).  State and Coast Guard boating regulations apply.  
  • At the South Freitas Unit boat launch parking lot on Highway 165, vehicles must park in marked stalls, and on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, vehicles must display a parking pass obtained at the check station.   

For additional information, contact:

Jack Sparks, Outdoor Recreation Planner:

Karl Stromayer, San Luis NWR Assistant Refuge Manager:



Last updated: September 26, 2012