Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Pacific Southwest Region
Quick Facts
Threatened and Endangered Species
Volunteers and Interns
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Bird List

Refuge Quick Facts

Collage of Pahranagat NWR Images


Amy Lavoie , Refuge Manager

Pahranagat NWR
Box 510
Alamo, NV 89001
Email Address:
Refuge Phone: 775/725-3417

Fax: 775/725-3389

Quick Refuge Facts

  • Established: August 16, 1963
  • Acres: 5,380 acres located in Lincoln County, NV
  • Location: The refuge is located approximately 90 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. Travel to the Refuge from Las Vegas on Highway 93 North, turning west at the refuge sign
  • The refuge was established to provide habitat for migratory birds, especially waterfowl
  • The refuge is an important stopping point for waterfowl and other migratory birds as they migrate
  • Refuge habitat ranges from cattail marshes to arid Mojave desert uplands
  • Primary public use at the refuge consists of wildlife observation, hunting in the fall, camping, and picnicking

Financial Impact of Refuge

  • 2 - person staff
  • Over 32,000 visitors annually
  • Annual budget (Fiscal Year 2010) $250,000 (Includes 1 time budget allocations)

Refuge Objectives

  • Provide high quality migration and wintering habitat for migrating birds, with emphasis on waterfowl
  • Restore wetland and desert upland habitats to what was found on the refuge over 100 years ago
  • Provide opportunities for quality, wildlife dependent recreation, education, and research to enhance public appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of refuge fish, wildlife, and habitats

Management Tools

  • Waterfowl management
  • Wetland and desert upland habitat restoration
  • Marsh/spring restoration/management
  • Water level/water quality programs
  • Prescribed burning
  • Mechanical and chemical control of exotic and noxious plants
  • Education/interpretation
  • Research program
  • Volunteer/student intern program

Public Use Opportunities

  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Wildlife observation
  • Picnicking
  • Camping
  • Photography
Last updated: March 7, 2012