A Dog Face Soldier of the Third Infantry Division, left, allows a member of the crowd to practice a neckhold upon him as another Dog Face Soldier explains the technique during a combatives demonstration May 20 at the 2012 Joint Services Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md. In addition to the combatives demonstration, the Third Infantry Division also set up a display highlighting its operational history.

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- Soldiers from the Third Infantry Division represented the Rock of the Marne at the Joint Service Open House May 18-20 at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

The open house is an annual event allowing the public to meet the men and women of the Armed Forces, experience handling military equipment, and witness the aerial displays of the Army's Golden Knights and the Navy's Blue Angels.

The 3rd ID Orientation Team set up an elaborate display highlighting the operational history of the Division. Every conflict from World War I through Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, were highlighted to include the unit's support in Kosovo.

The set up of the display allowed visitors to walk through the division's history in chronological order, with dozens of photographs of each conflict. Additionally, a video continuously played highlighted events from each conflict, and also displayed photographs of Dog Face Soldiers training and in action.

First Lieutenant Nicholas Lambert, 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, who was part of the Orientation Team, said the display was top notch and clearly demonstrated the legacy of 3rd ID.

"The display we had for the Marne Division was, in my opinion, superior to any other unit's static display," said 1st Lt. Lambert. "Many visitors loved walking through the Division's history. Participating in the open house and representing the Third Infantry Division was truly an amazing experience."

The Orientation Team from the Marne Division also brought several Soldiers to conduct a combatives demonstration. This was one of the most popular events in the static display hanger at the open house.

The Soldiers demonstrated multiple combatives techniques, taught techniques to audience volunteers, and conducted several matches between each other, which drew the largest crowds.

Command Sgt. Maj. James P. Snyder is the senior noncommissioned officer in the 603rd Aviation Support Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, and said he knows the value of combatives training in the Marne Division.

"The modern army combatives program allows the public to see that advancements are not just in equipment and technology but also in what and how we train Soldiers to survive on the battlefield," said Command Sgt. Maj. Snyder. "The Marne Division is second to none in the dedicated resources, time, and training that is given to combatives and sets Dog Face Soldiers apart from the rest of the Army."

First Lieutenant Lambert, who attended the open house, said the event is essential not only to inform the public of the roles and function of the military, but to encourage the visitors to have a continued interest in the military.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew D. Gignilliat commander of 603rd ASB, said the event opened the door to relationships between citizens and the Marne Division.

"The Third Infantry Division's representation at 2012 Joint Service Open House served as a phenomenal outreach event," said Lt. Col. Gignilliat. "The personal interaction between the Dog Face Soldiers and the citizens they defend fostered a relationship of unquestionable trust and confidence in both our distinguished unit and our Nation's military professionals."

Page last updated Thu May 31st, 2012 at 00:00