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Environmental Assessments and Health Physics

Performing environmental assessments and independent verification is essential to building public trust and confidence in radiological cleanup. As the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other government agencies target contaminated sites across the country for decontamination and decommissioning, strict guidelines must be followed to ensure that property is effectively remediated before being released for public or private use.

Through a combination of environmental assessments, health physics services, and radiochemistry analyses, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) performs independent environmental assessment and verification at DOE cleanup sites across the country. ORISE applies its advanced survey methodology to set the standard for ensuring that remediation is performed within federal release criteria and is both accurate and thorough.

Current Career Opportunities

Ref. No. Job Title Location
12-099 Manager Health Physics Training Oak Ridge, TN

Featured Publication

The Value of Independence white paper

The Value of Independence, an ORISE white paper on the impact of DOE Order 458.1 and the requirement for independent verification of nuclear cleanup projects. (PDF, 539K)