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Research Project Description

Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis – Summer 2013
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

NESLS Su 2013

Project Description:

  • Maximize the abilities of engineering students through cooperative research with mentors at national laboratories
  • Increase on-the-job research opportunities
  • Provide a learning environment useful to both national laboratories and student staff
  • Train next generation scientists




Nuclear Security Technologies

Material protection,
control, and accounting

Radiation detection


Transportation technologies

Arms control assessments

Fissile material Detection

Export control

Fissile material disposition

Nuclear threat reduction


Nuclear Systems Analysis, Design, and Safety

Radiation shielding

Systems analysis

Reactor physics

Facility safety

Criticality safety

Risk assessment

Thermal hydraulics

Regulatory support

Nuclear data and codes

System instrumentation and controls

Material and fuel irradiation

Enrichment technology

Advanced space reactors


Fuels, Isotopes, and Nuclear Materials

Nuclear fuels

Separations science and technology

Heavy element production

Nuclear process and equipment design

Stable and radioactive isotopes

Robotics and remote handling

Medical isotope development

Chemical engineering

Duration: The award is an appointment of approximately 10 weeks. Renewals are limited.

Health Insurance: Each participant is required to have coverage in a health insurance plan. It is the responsibility of each participant to secure insurance coverage before arriving at the appointed site.

Benefits: Travel to and from (max $500); Housing allowance of $125/week if located more than 60 miles from laboratory.

Weekly Stipend Rates 


 Class Status*


 First Year (Freshman)


 Second Year (Sophomore)


 Third Year (Junior)


 Fourth Year (Senior)


 Fifth Year (Graduate)


 Masters Completed



*Denotes class status completed prior to ORNL report date.


Applications can be processed through the TOppS system at

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