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Workforce Analysis and Program Evaluation

Workforce Analysis and Program Evaluation

By accurately capturing statistics and conducting data analysis, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) assesses the needs of the nation’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics workforce. Our comprehensive workforce trends assessment and recruitment strategies enable us to match highly qualified participants with laboratories and agencies needing research assistance.

Beyond research appointments, ORISE also conducts a variety of annual and semi-annual studies to assess labor trends. A recent study documents nuclear engineering enrollments and degrees, and the findings suggested that the number of nuclear engineering graduates and enrollees is on the rise.

This is significant considering a 2008 study conducted by the American Physical Society found that 35 percent of the current nuclear workforce will reach retirement age in the next five years. The resulting increase in demand for nuclear engineering education is expected to continue to rise even if the number of nuclear power reactors remains the same through 2050.

Whether it’s assessing the impacts of workforce development programs, looking at the rate of foreign doctoral students who stay in the U.S. after graduating, or analyzing the number of health physics enrollees and graduates, ORISE provides reliable data for ensuring that the nation has the intellectual and human capital necessary for responding to critical science and technology needs.

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ORISE report shows number of health physics degrees increased for graduates, decreased for undergraduates in 2010

The number of health physics graduate degrees increased for both master’s and doctoral candidates in 2010, but decreased for bachelor’s degrees, says a report released this year by ORISE.