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Dear Janice

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Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. Women just like us – mothers, sisters, friends – are dying at the rate of one per minute because they don’t know what I know: heart disease kills. That’s why I want you to take action now and become part of the movement against women and heart disease. I’ve sent you the Heart Health Kit below so you can get heart healthy. You can also sign up for the movement and get your FREE red dress pin.

Go Red Heart Health Kit

Stay informed, know your risks, and join my mission to prevent heart disease in women with this free heart health kit from Go Red For Women:
Download the Kit Now

Get Your FREE Red Dress Pin

The red dress is a symbol for women fighting heart disease. Make it your mission to Go Red by wearing your pin and sharing the message with others.
Get Your Pin Now

About Go Red For Women

Go Red For Women from the American Heart Association celebrates the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together to wipe out heart disease and stroke.
Learn More at



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Diversity In Medicine

Women Signs

 Rekisha's Story
I was misdiagnosed for months before doctors realized I needed a heart transplant. Because I knew something was wrong and kept encouraging doctors to keep looking for answers, they found out I had an enlarged heart. Listen to your body and be your own health advocate.
Rekisha's Story on Youtube
 Regan's Story
I had open heart surgery to correct a congenital heart defect when I was only 19. I'm proof that heart disease does not discriminate, even when it comes to a woman's age.
Regan's Story on Youtube
 Lidia's Story
My symptoms were misdiagnosed and getting a second opinion meant the difference between life and death. Know your body and take action when something doesn't feel right..
Lidia's story on Youtube