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Health Communication and Techinical Training resources

Through comprehensive communications plans and programs, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) helps federal agencies educate workers and the community about the importance of preparing for public health challenges and emergencies.

ORISE frequently develops and contributes materials and research findings to various publications, which focus on health topics. ORISE also creates course materials, computer and Web-based exercises, and video teleconferences.

A complete list of ORISE resources focused on health communication and technical training can be found below:

Doctor with mobile device

HealthCommWorks Communication Tool

ORISE partnered with the CDC to launch HealthCommWorks, which is designed to help health communication professionals develop and disseminate effective messages.

Hospital All-Hazards Self-Assessment

Hospital All-Hazards Self-Assessment

The Hospital All-Hazards Self-Assessment is designed to help hospitals assess and identify potential gaps in their facility’s all-hazards emergency plan(s). The tool is geared toward hospital preparedness staff, including planners, administrators, and other key personnel.

Medical Office Preparedness Planner

Medical Office Preparedness Planner

The Medical Office Preparedness Planner is a tool for primary care providers (PCPs) and office managers to use to develop a pandemic influenza plan for their office, and then integrate their plan into the broader community plan.

Community Assessment Tool

Community Assessment Tool

ORISE developed the Community Assessment Tool (CAT) for the CDC to help strengthen existing preparedness plans by allowing the health care system and other agencies to work together during a pandemic.

Consumer Health Resource Information Service Program: Guide and Toolkit

Consumer Health Resource Information Service Program: Guide and Toolkit

ORISE offers a resource guide and tool kit for faith-based organizations and communities that would like to initiate a CHRIS program at their community or worship center.

Equal Access Initiative Computer Grants Program

Equal Access Initiative Computer Grants Program

ORISE helped develop a workbook to assist local organizations build the technological capacity to provide HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment information for their communities.

HIV/AIDS Information Resources from the National Library of Medicine

HIV/AIDS Information Resources from the National Library of Medicine

This document increases awareness of the educational materials available on the Internet that can be used to improve HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment education.

Programa de Igualdad de Acceso para Puerto Rico: Recursos de Información del VIH/SIDA de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina Workbook

Programa de Igualdad de Acceso para Puerto Rico: Recursos de Información del VIH/SIDA de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina Workbook

ORISE contributed to the development of a Spanish-language workbook that outlines NLM resources related to HIV/AIDS prevention.

Programa de Igualdad de Acceso para Puerto Rico: Recursos de Información del VIH/SIDA de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina Workbook

How to Find Reliable HIV/AIDS Treatment Information on the Internet

This document helps readers learn how to determine the accuracy of HIV/AIDS treatment information found on the Internet.

Population Monitoring in Radiation Emergencies: A Guide for State and Local Health Planners

Population Monitoring in Radiation Emergencies: A Guide for State and Local Health Planners

ORISE worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop a guide that would assist communities in preparing for a timely and adequate response to radiation emergencies.

Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism: Medical Response to Mass Casualties

Training Clinicians for Response to a Radiological or Nuclear Terrorism Attack

This interactive training program advises medical personnel on how to provide adequate and timely response in the event of an act of terrorism that would place an incredible strain on the public health system.

Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology (EPEC™-O)

Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology (EPEC™-O)

ORISE worked with the National Cancer Institute to develop the EPEC™-O CD-ROM and DVD to assist medical professionals provide end-of-life care for terminal cancer patients.