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K-12 Student and Teacher Research Experiences

Recognizing that it is never too early to excite students about science education, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) offers a variety of research opportunities for both students and the teachers who will be inspiring them. As more teachers are able to connect authentic research with classroom curricula, the more likely students will pursue careers within the scientific workforce.

Experiences of K-12 students and teachers are highlighted in the following profiles:

S. Hakan Armagan

S. Hakan Armagan

S. Hakan Armagan, a physics/nuclear science and energy teacher, recently completed his third year with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Academies Creating Teacher Scientists program at ORNL.

Elaine Custer

Elaine Custer

Elaine Custer spent the summer at ORNL helping with the installation of the diffractometer on the Spallation Neutron Source.

Lorna O'Conner

Lorna O’Connor

Lorna O’Connor, a biology teacher in Cape Coral, Fla., took part in the Department of Energy’s Academies Creating Teacher Scientists program at ORNL, where she studied the genetic make-up of hybrid trees.

Adam Riazi

Adam Riazi

Three years ago, Adam Riazi had no idea there were so many opportunities for high school teachers to do authentic scientific research. That was before he took part in the Appalachian Regional Commission—Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Institute.