Archive: 82d Airborne

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  • Fort Bragg Soldiers partner with Make-a-Wish Foundation to bring joy to Florida youth

    Sep 24, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. -- The Make-A-Wish Foundation is known for granting the wishes of children with life-threatening disabilities and diseases.

  • Building relationships through my job

    Sep 24, 2010

  • Warfighter 2010: MPs compete in grueling four-day challenge

    Sep 23, 2010

    True grit became a lasting and crucial theme for participating teams in the 14th annual Military Police Warfighter competition; a four-day event at Fort Leonard Wood, Sept. 13-16, presenting numerous warrior tasks, battle drills and endurance tests to participating three-man teams from installations worldwide.

  • 'Plug and Play' - FORSCOM, USARC Forward Team Lays Foundation for Smooth BRAC Relocation

    Sep 22, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Sept. 20, 2010) Aca,!aEURc With just ten days remaining before members of the advance echelons of Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces Command and Headquarters, U.S. Army Reserve Command begin reporting here for duty, the liaison teams and "Torch Party" representing each command are making final preparations as the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure-directed relocation of the two commands' headquarters begins in earnest.

  • A virtual trade off, 689th Engineer Company sharpens skills while testing Route Clearance Simulator

    Sep 21, 2010

  • Career change benefits frontline warfighter

    Sep 20, 2010

    A process improvement specialist helps employees save time and money by streamlining business practices that have a direct impact on the warfighter.

  • Inspector General assists redeploying TF Marne brigades

    Sep 20, 2010

  • Chilean gets unexpected life in states

    Sep 18, 2010

  • It's all a learning experience, one Soldier's career path

    Sep 18, 2010

    As the second youngest Soldier in Headquarters and Headquarters Operations Company, Division Special Troops Battalion, Pfc. Nanalee Litzsinger has held more full time jobs than most young people her age.

  • Please Add a Title!

    Sep 17, 2010

    The 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, the Nation's Forced Entry Component of the Global Response Force, conduct a Joint Forced Entry Exercise from Sep., 14-15 at Fort Bragg, NC.

  • Fort Bragg participates in annual adventure race at Smith Lake

    Sep 16, 2010

    Neither cramps, blisters, rain, sandy trails, nor tipped canoes could stop the competitors from participating in the Adventure Race Saturday. Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Sports office hosted its annual event throughout the Smith Lake Recreational Area. The race consisted of two-member teams competing in a variety of events to include a 5K cross-country race, land orienteering, a 10K mountain bike race, canoe paddling and a mystery event.

  • Veterans receive high school diplomas

    Sep 16, 2010

    The commanding general of the XVIII Airborne Corps saluted Operation Recognition, a Cumberland County public schools program, which presents high school diplomas to veterans whose service was up until the Vietnam War-era. "Operation Recognition is just one example of the outstanding support provided to our Soldiers, military Families and veterans by the Fayetteville community," said Lt. Gen. Frank G. Helmick, who is also the Fort Bragg commander.

  • Fayetteville hosts BRAC orientation

    Sep 16, 2010

    The Army's Army and the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau are holding a second orientation weekend for Department of Defense civilian and active-duty military Families relocating from Fort McPherson, Ga. due to base realignment and closure. The event, scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 24 and called Operation Fayetteville Wants You, will give attendees an opportunity to become better acquainted with the community and learn about the area's offerings. Weekend activities include informative presentations from key community leaders, tours of area schools and Fort Bragg, as well as activities and entertainment provided by the Airborne and Special Operations Museum, Cumberland County Fair and International Folk Festival.

  • Fort Bragg spouses look for a career boost at job fair

    Sep 16, 2010

    On Tuesday the Army Community Service Employment Readiness Program sponsored a Military Spouse Job Fair. Employers came prepared to hire applicants, not just distribute information. The ERP said it understands the need of some Families for a second income and in an effort to help spouses find jobs to meet their Families' needs, they host job fairs to facilitate the search in a tight economy. It also assists men and women who find fulfillment in pursuing professional interests.

  • Fort Bragg couples make memories at Smith Lake to last a lifetime

    Sep 16, 2010

  • Fort Bragg spouses of deployed Lightning Soldiers bond, learn on weekend retreat

    Sep 16, 2010

    Two dozen spouses of Soldiers serving with the Fort Bragg-based 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade in Afghanistan gathered in Myrtle Beach Aug. 27 to 29 for a Strong Bonds Retreat. The theme throughout the weekend revolved around strength through togetherness and focused on relationship building, communication skills and stress management, but the most important part was the interaction across the tables.

  • Combating the stigma of suicide: An Army story

    Sep 16, 2010

    Losing a Soldier to battle is tough. When that Soldier is your son, it's devastating. But losing two Soldiers, two sons, to different battles rocks a man to his core. Major General Mark Graham and his wife, Carol, shared their personal story of tragedy during the Suicide Prevention Luncheon held Sept. 10 at the Fort Bragg Club. For the Grahams, breaking the silence is an initial step in overcoming suicidal stigmas in a culture designed to be Army strong. In 2003, weeks before their youngest son committed suicide and months before their oldest son would die in combat - the Grahams thought they had the perfect Family of five.

  • Fort Bragg Father Daughter Ball gives Families night of fun, fantasy

    Sep 16, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - It was a scene from a fairy tale. Dozens of Soldiers in their dress blues, Class A uniforms and civilian suits, escorted their daughters garbed in gowns and dresses into the Fort Bragg Club for an evening of fun, food and dancing at the Father Daughter Ball Saturday.

  • Fort Bragg focuses on energy, water conservation

    Sep 16, 2010

    With an energy bill of $50 million, Fort Bragg has taken extraordinary measures to improve energy efficiency and security on the installation infrastructure and modernizing procedures. One of the biggest steps has been the implementation of centralized monitoring for buildings and facilities relating to heating and cooling control.

  • Suicide prevention instrumental in sustaining strong military force

    Sep 16, 2010

  • Fort Bragg urges Soldiers, Families to be prepared in case of an emergency

    Sep 16, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - If a natural disaster were to hit Fort Bragg right now, would your Family be prepared'

  • FORSCOM/USARC Forward - Team Photo, Sept. 15, 2010

    Sep 15, 2010

    Team Photo - FORSCOM USARC Torch and Liaison elements at Fort Bragg, N.C.

  • Congressman and AMC Commanding General Meet at Depot

    Sep 14, 2010

  • XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg remember Sept. 11, 2001 attacks

    Sep 13, 2010

    The XVIII Airborne Corps conducted a remembrance ceremony at the Main Post Parade Field with retreat at 4 p.m., Friday to commemorate the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. This year marked the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, attacks where over 2,900 lost their lives.

  • Musicians revisit COB Speicher

    Sep 13, 2010

    Hammer of the Broads, an all-female tribute band to Led Zeppelin, performed at COB Speicher Sept. 8.

  • Sgt. Cadavius Summerall knows the value of service

    Sep 11, 2010

  • Legal preparations help avoid stress, financial pitfalls during deployment

    Sep 10, 2010

    A Soldier's loved ones play a key role in pre-deployment support. By getting organized early, Family members and friends can take simple steps to facilitate a Soldier's trip down range and avoid stress later. The key is early preparation.

  • Found money: Fort Bragg Family gets more than it bargained for

    Sep 10, 2010

    What would you do if you found over $9,000' Would you keep it' Would you look for the owner' Would you keep some of it and turn the rest in saying that's all there was' On May 11, Tracy Kaiser was on a mission, she was searching for a bargain at the Bragg 'n Barn Thrift Store and found a $7 suitcase. When she got home and opened some of the side pockets, she found over $9,000 in cash.

  • Fort Bragg Single Soldiers program offers many benefits

    Sep 10, 2010

    Single and unaccompanied Soldiers on Fort Bragg needing a problem solved, searching for volunteer opportunities or finding something fun to do on and off post can find all of that and more at the Fort Bragg Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program, better known as BOSS.

  • Suicide prevention a key element in force sustainment - Part II

    Sep 10, 2010

    This is part two of a four part series in which Larry Holland, Fort Bragg Suicide Prevention Program manager and former chaplain, shares his feelings of despair and thoughts of suicide.

  • Fort Bragg observes National Suicide Prevention Month

    Sep 10, 2010

    Fort Bragg is committed to the health, safety and well being of its Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians and Family members. To emphasize this commitment, Fort Bragg is joining the Army and the nation in observing National Suicide Prevention Month during September 2010. Fort Bragg's observance during the entire month of September will use "Shoulder to Shoulder: I Will Never Quit on Life" as this year's theme.

  • Soldiers, Families cautioned about releasing sensitive information

    Sep 10, 2010

    With the rising popularity of social networking sites, Soldiers and Family members now have the capability to distribute personal information, such as photos, videos and e-mail messages in real time. It is because of this that Fort Bragg officials warn against the distribution of sensitive information on public websites.

  • 2010 U.S. Army Championship Combatives Tournament registration ongoing

    Sep 10, 2010

    Registration is ongoing for the 2010 U.S. Army Championship Combatives Tournament. The tournament will take place at the Paul R. Smith Fitness Center Oct. 1-3, 2010, and is hosted by the Maneuver Center of Excellence and the U.S Army Combatives School.

  • New campus in Basra to strengthen Soldier resiliency

    Sep 10, 2010

    With the opening of a resiliency campus on COB Basra, Iraq, the 1st Infantry Division Headquarters is working to improve the resilience of personnel in United States Division-South while they are still operating in a combat zone.

  • Thurman Patriot Day speech honors 9/11 victims and Soldiers demonstrating nation's resolve

    Sep 9, 2010

    Gen James D. Thurman, commander of U.S. Army Forces Command, delivered the keynote address during a solemn Patriot Day ceremony at Fort McPherson, Ga. He honored the victims of the Sept. 1, 2001, terrorist attacks and commended America's Soldiers who have demonstrated this nation's resolve to beat the perpetrators of oppression. He said, "None of us knows exactly the sacrifices that might lie ahead. But what is certain is the outcome. We will win!"

  • Task Force Marne Soldiers reflect on 9/11

    Sep 9, 2010

    Four 3rd Infantry Division Soldiers recall their thoughts after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C., and the crash of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, when passengers determined their jet would be used to attack another target.

  • TRADOC briefs FORSCOM on new Army Operating Concept

    Sep 8, 2010

    Lt. Col. Mark Elfendahl, chief of the Joint and Army Concepts Division at TRADOC'S Army Capabilities Integration Center, briefs FORSCOM on the new Army Operating Concept.

  • Afghanistan OP defense leads to Army's second-highest decoration

    Sep 8, 2010

    Only 20 of more than 1.5 million troops who have deployed in the war on terrorism earned the Distinguished Service Cross. Now a Fort Benning-based Soldier can be added to the list.

  • Patterson Assumes Command of 7th Signal Command

    Sep 7, 2010

    Brigadier General LaWarren V. Patterson assumed command of 7th Signal Command (Theater), Sept. 8, 2010 during a ceremony at Fort. Gordon, Ga.

  • Iraqi Air Force College academy returns to COB Speicher

    Sep 6, 2010

    Sgt. Ry Norris provides a news story detailing the move of the Iraqi Air Force academy back to its historical home at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, near Tikrit, Iraq.

  • Austin leads USF-I into New Dawn

    Sep 4, 2010

    As Gen. Raymond T. Odierno transferred leadership of USF-I to Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the world seemed to be watching.

  • Fort Bragg Soldiers work the whole body; Kettlebell 101 promotes strength, better health

    Sep 3, 2010

    Lance Stucky, a civilian strength and conditioning coach at Tucker Physical Fitness Center, partners with the Soldier Performance Enhancement Program to properly train Soldiers in a number of functional training programs. One of the programs, his Kettlebell 101 class is designed to introduce Soldiers to basic kettlebell technique, progression and training concepts. The kettlebell trains both muscle endurance and aerobics, so that a Soldier is more agile in a live-fire situation.

  • Art From the Heart helps put second career into focus for Fort Bragg Soldiers

    Sep 3, 2010

    Through an Art from the Heart program being offered by the Fort Bragg/Pope Air Force American Red Cross, wounded warriors are getting the opportunity to focus on art and potentially make it a second career after transitioning from the Army.

  • Fort Bragg teens become Soldiers for a day

    Sep 3, 2010

    More than 20 Fort Bragg teenagers arrived at the Tolson Youth Activities Center Aug. 24, to theoretically, trade in sneakers for combat boots as the post held its annual Teen Soldier for a Day event. The event, which is in its third year, originated from one the post's youth leadership conferences, similar to a teen Army Family Action Plan.

  • Fort Bragg holds all inclusive Heritage Day

    Sep 3, 2010

    Servicemembers hail from different cultures and ethnicities to serve alongside each other in the armed forces. On Saturday, those cultures and ethnicities met in the inaugural Heritage Day celebration. Fort Bragg's Equal Opportunity Office sponsored the all-inclusive Heritage Day.

  • Fort Bragg forces to liberate Pineland during September 2010 Robin Sage exercise

    Sep 3, 2010

    This fall, Special Forces candidates are once again on their way to help guerilla forces liberate Pineland, the fictional country overlapping 15 different North Carolina counties. Starting Sept. 11, over 100 of these students will begin Robin Sage, the final training exercise before they graduate. Robin Sage is the U.S. military's premiere unconventional warfare exercise. This exercise prepares future operators to lead and train indigenous forces by teaching guerrillas to communicate, move, fight and provide medical aid while helping to liberate a country by tactical force.

  • Fort Bragg Pathfinders prepare for the call during hurricane season

    Sep 3, 2010

    Nearly five years to the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, the Pathfinders set out to train on personnel extraction during their waterborne operations training at Mott Lake last week. During their training, the Pathfinders got a chance to use and familiarize themselves with one of the most important part of their equipment - the Zodiac boat.

  • North Carolina communities support Fort Bragg brigade, bring joy to Soldiers

    Sep 3, 2010

    In the last five weeks the Fort Bragg and Charlotte, N.C., communities have rallied in support of the Soldiers of the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion donating personal hygiene items, blankets, pillows, sheets, socks and even electronics to the unit. The unit loaded and shipped the milvan more than three months ago but when the milvan arrived, it was cleaned out - everything stolen. Since then, the people of the Fort Bragg and Charlotte communities have readily been resupplying Soldiers with many needed items.

  • Fort Bragg leadership emphasizes suicide prevention is instrumental in sustaining the force

    Sep 3, 2010

    As the Army turns its focus to Suicide Prevention Month, which is held in September, officials at Fort Bragg, the Army's largest post in population, said it's important that Soldiers know there's help available. The Army Suicide Prevention Program has garnered national interest as the Army recently released a comprehensive 350-page report, under the direction of Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, who heads the Army's Suicide Prevention Task Force.

  • In-processing tracking system speeds up at Fort Bragg

    Sep 3, 2010

    The Directorate of Human Resources on Fort Bragg has implemented a first in the Army tracking system for in-processing Soldiers that allows the Reception Company 72 hours to receive a Soldier and hand them over to their gaining unit. Even though Army regulations state that the installation has five days to fully in-process a Soldier, this program has condensed it to three days.

  • Massive Construction, Renovation Project Preserves History, Tradition - From Roof Lines to Floor Til

    Sep 3, 2010

    To maintain the traditional look of the historic Main Post area of Fort Bragg, N.C., and to preserve the original appearance and original materials of historic buildings under renovation; new construction and remodeling being done to facilitate the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure-directed relocation of the headquarters of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command to Fort Bragg has been closely coordinated with the N.C. State Historical Preservation Office. From new roof lines to historic windows and floor tile, supporting contract firms and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are taking appropriate measures to maintain the historic symbolism, aesthetics and atmosphere that have always been an important part of living and working on the Fort Bragg cantonment.

  • Flagpole Installation - U.S. Army Forces Command (Forward) and U.S. Army Reserve Command (Forward) H

    Sep 2, 2010

    A 30' flagpole was installed in front of Old Bowley School at Fort Bragg, N.C., Sept. 1, 2010, yet another in a myriad of tasks involved in preparing temporary facilities for the headquarters elements of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command. The commands are relocating from Fort McPherson, Ga., to Fort Bragg, N.C. in accordance with the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure legislation. Leaders from each command placed commemorative command coins in the base of the new flagpole.

  • U.S. Army Forces Command (Forward) and U.S. Army Reserve Command (Forward) Photo Update, August 23 -

    Aug 31, 2010

    A compendium of images highlighting the work being done at Fort Bragg, N.C. to prepare for the BRAC 2005-directed relocation of the headquarters of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command from Fort McPherson, Ga.

  • ROC drill works out difficult DOL issues

    Aug 31, 2010

    The rehearsal of concept drill took place Aug. 24-26 at the Radisson Quad City Plaza, Davenport, Iowa. The Army Materiel Command will take over operational control of all DOL functions located in the United States on Oct. 1. The Army Sustainment Command through its Army Field Support Brigades will manage the DOLs. Resource and personnel transfer of DOLs worldwide is scheduled for Oct. 1, 2011.

  • USF-I Command Sgt. Maj. pays final visit to troops

    Aug 31, 2010

    On Aug. 23, Wilson headed out from Camp Victory on his last tactical ground movement by MRAP, bound for Contingency Operating Site Kalsu to visit Soldiers of the 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division

  • C4ISR Materiel Enterprise opportunities and challenges presented at LandWarNet 2010

    Aug 30, 2010

    Army Team C4ISR members briefed conference attendees about topics related to this year's LandWarNet theme of providing global cyber-dominance to joint/combined commanders. Strong opened the C4ISR Materiel Enterprise track sessions by summarizing the purpose, mission, organizational structure and challenges of the enterprise.

  • Army Ground Forces Band's Jazz Guardians host professional development clinic

    Aug 27, 2010

    The Army Ground Forces Band's Jazz Guardians hosted "A Day with Joe Gransden," Aug. 26. An Atlanta-based performer and recording artist, Gransden is considered a leading international authority on Big Band Jazz. Working with the Jazz Guardians throughout the day-long event, Gransden used his vast professional experiences and knowledge to make an immediate impact on the sound of the band. The 40 attendees left with a better understanding of strategies that can be used in creating a professional Big Band sound.

  • Fort Bragg sports program keeps youth on right track, teaches character

    Aug 27, 2010

    Fort Bragg youth participate in Sports Authority, a Child, Youth and School Services fitness club that builds character as well as muscles. Sports Authority meets every Thursday, at 4:30 p.m., at Tolson Youth Activity Center. According to a program assistant at Tolson YAC, the aim is to make youth well-rounded, responsible citizens.

  • Army Family Action Plan enlists help of Fort Bragg Families

    Aug 27, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Sometimes a single suggestion can manifest a better quality of life for the military. This is the goal of the Army Family Action Plan, established in the early 1980s, which increases awareness of Armywide issues and funding for installation projects and programs.

  • VAC wings Fort Bragg wounded warrior west

    Aug 27, 2010

    As evidence of the close relationship between the Fayetteville community and Fort Bragg, a local pilot volunteered to fly a Fort Bragg wounded warrior Aug. 17, from Grannis Field in Fayetteville to her niece's wedding in Enid, Okla., as part of the Veterans Airlift Command.

  • Fort Bragg youth attend leadership forum

    Aug 27, 2010

    If the next generation will one day lead America, then the Installation Management Command, Southeast Region, Youth Leadership Forum is the place where they will acquire the skills with which to do so. Two Fort Bragg youth attended the forum, held June 21 to 25 in Norcross, Ga. Hanha Hobson, 16, and Aleighia Stewart, 14, were nominated by Child, Youth and School Services staff to represent Fort Bragg.

  • Fort Bragg 'Survivor' celebrity turns 10th anniversary bash into a tropical paradise

    Aug 27, 2010

    The Fort Bragg South Post Commissary celebrated its 10th anniversary on July 29, with a special appearance by "Sassy" Sandra Diaz-Twine, the crowned "queen" of Survivor, a popular reality television show featuring contestants who battle for $1 million in exotic locations around the world. Diaz-Twine holds the two-time Survivor title, a feat unmatched by any other contestant on the show. Diaz-Twine is a Fayetteville resident and the wife of a Fort Bragg Soldier deployed to Afghanistan.

  • Fort Bragg Families get treated to Sizzlin' Saturday at Smith Lake

    Aug 27, 2010

    Sizzlin' Saturday made waves over the weekend with a Family-friendly celebration at Smith Lake. Beach babes, sweatin' Soldiers and sandy toddlers took to the waters for some afternoon fun that included canoeing, swimming and tossing around the beach ball. The free event lasted from 3 to 11 p.m. and took full advantage of the hot sunrays and warm summer night.

  • Fort Bragg Families of the fallen grieve among new friends

    Aug 27, 2010

    Band of brothers' is a term we've come to understand and connect with the Army. That same sense of brotherhood and sisterhood is the glue that bonds survivors of fallen Soldiers within the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. On Saturday, nearly 250 survivors within the Fort Bragg community, spouses, parents, siblings and children, converged on the grounds of the Pinehurst Golf Resort for a weekend of remembrance.

  • Fort Bragg wounded warrior returns to duty as a military working dog handler

    Aug 27, 2010

    December 26, 2007 is a day Sgt. Chris Burrell, a military working dog handler from the 108th Military Police Company, 16th MP Brigade, will never forget. During a tour in Iraq, three explosively formed penetrators pierced his vehicle, one of them severing his left leg above the knee during a patrol in Baghdad. Now he has a new date to remember - July 8, the day he reported back to duty at the Fort Bragg kennels and to the job he loves.

  • Lean Six Sigma Program saves Fort Bragg money

    Aug 27, 2010

    In today's struggling economy, Fort Bragg has implemented a program that has saved the Army more than $90 million in the last four years. The Lean Six Sigma program is designed to manage output and the quality of output. Under LSS, money is viewed as calculated savings. The savings are defined in terms of cost savings, cost avoidance and operational benefits.

  • Fayetteville mayor reflects on his city's growth into a 'Military Sanctuary City'

    Aug 27, 2010

    While other municipalities are adjusting to the closing of longtime neighboring military installations, Fayetteville is adjusting to a Fort Bragg that is staying and expanding. The city of Fayetteville and Fort Bragg are committed to continuing to focus on community relationships to ensure high quality of life for Soldiers, Families and civilians.

  • Fort Bragg 'green' officer selected as range manager of the year

    Aug 27, 2010

    Bill Edwards, the Fort Bragg installation range officer who recently won the 2010 Installation Management Command range manager of the year award, constantly seeks to optimize resources for cost-saving projects in support of the Army's strategic goals and objectives while protecting the environment to ensure the sustainability of Fort Bragg.

  • U.S. Army Forces Command (Forward) and U.S. Army Reserve Command Forward (Forward), Week in Review,

    Aug 26, 2010

    A compendium of images and captions highlighting the activites at the forward locations of Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces Command and Headquarters, U.S. Army Reserve Command at Fort Bragg, N.C., during the week of August 16-22, 2010.

  • Utilizing the Army's Newest Equipment, the Army Evaluation Task Force Digs in for its Company S

    Aug 26, 2010

    The 5th Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Army Evaluation Task Force (AETF) recently battled through two weeks of rough terrain and triple digit heat to test the Brigade Combat Team Modernization equipment during their company level Situational Training Exercise (STX).

  • Infantry chief gets star

    Aug 23, 2010

    FORT BENNING, Ga. - The U.S. Army Infantry School has a brand new star. COL Bryan Owens, the organization's commandant since October, was promoted to brigadier general Aug. 16 in a ceremony at the Benning Conference Center.

  • Bringing Iraq to Fort Bragg

    Aug 23, 2010

    Human Intelligence Collectors from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division conducted an intense training event designed to improve the Paratroopers information gathering skills, Aug. 4. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Seth Laughter, 2BCT PAO NCOIC)

  • After the Door is Kicked in

    Aug 23, 2010

    2nd Brigade Combat Team Paratroopers take part in the Forensic Material Collection and Exploitation Course held at Fort Bragg by the 2BCT, Aug. 12. The course gives Soldiers the skills to collect forensic information to take insurgents off the battlefield.

  • Semi-professional football team finds talent at Fort Bragg

    Aug 20, 2010

    Several Fort Bragg servicemembers have joined a local, semi-professional football team and found yet an additional brotherhood. Sergeant Antares White plays defensive tackle with the Fayetteville Enforcers, members of the Alliance Football League which features teams throughout the mid-west and eastern United States.

  • Fort Bragg paratroopers participate in first-ever Mike-to-Mike run

    Aug 20, 2010

    In the first Mike to Mike run, Lt. Gen. Frank G. Helmick, commander of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, led servicemembers about 10 miles from the Iron Mike statute on Armistead Street to its counterpart at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum on Bragg Boulevard in Fayetteville, Aug. 14.

  • Military information support group at Fort Bragg takes the lead in motorcycle safety

    Aug 20, 2010

    In the last 12 months the 4th Military Information Support Group motorcycle mentorship program has held six training events to train riders, to enhance their skills and learn to minimize the risk that they assume every time they ride. The program is now providing required training at unit level thanks to the initiative of Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey Bopp, the 4th MISG billeting non-commissioned officer,

  • City businesses sponsor Backpack Brigade for Fort Bragg kids

    Aug 20, 2010

    FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - Fayetteville businesses joined together to help the Operation Homefront-North Carolina's "Backpack Brigade" Sunday distributing in more than 700 backpacks to school kids from military Families.

  • Fort Bragg children learn life lessons through literacy

    Aug 20, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - The library became a kitchen Aug. 10, as children ran up to a big pot, adding vegetables, chicken and beef to enhance the flavor of the bubbling, stone soup. While the pot and its contents were imaginary, children got the chance to see that they can overcome adversity by working together.

  • Fort Bragg G.I. Janes own Smith Lake for a day

    Aug 20, 2010

    Sixteen women pushed through the sweat, sand and "splash" of Smith Lake during the G.I. Jane ... Out o'Bounce race on Saturday. The two-woman teams raced from station to station in the muggy morning air, beginning at 8:30 a.m. with most teams finishing, in under two and a half hours ahead of schedule.

  • Operation Rising Star gives future Fort Bragg singers chance to record demo

    Aug 20, 2010

    Sports USA at Fort Bragg resembled more of a set from American Idol, nineteen contestants sang a cappella in front of four judges and an audience of about 75 for the chance to represent Fort Bragg and ultimately win a three-day professional recording studio experience in Los Angeles, a vocal coach, production of a three-song demo CD and an all expense paid trip for two.

  • Fort Bragg parachute riggers perform successful dual-row airdrop

    Aug 20, 2010

    On Friday, Soldiers gathered at Sicily drop to watch eight vehicles get dropped from a Pope Air Force Base C-17 Globemaster III aircraft, marking the unit's first successful dual-row airdrop system deployment in almost two years. The dual-row Airdrop System is a load platform in which two pieces of equipment are loaded side-by-side on the aircraft, as opposed to the standard single vehicle, front-to-back method.

  • Fort Bragg neighborhood hosts post's National Night Out party

    Aug 20, 2010

    Fort Bragg public safety professionals celebrated National Night Out with hundreds of military Family members Aug. 3, at the post's Linden Oaks neighborhood. The event is a time when neighbors can meet each other and build a sense of community.

  • JFK Special Warfare Center and School gets new commander

    Aug 20, 2010

    In a ceremony, held Tuesday on Fort Bragg's John F. Kennedy Plaza, Brigadier General Bennet S. Sacolick assumed command of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

  • 7th Special Forces Group Soldiers receive Silver Stars

    Aug 20, 2010

    Seven Soldiers were decorated with the nation's third highest honor at a 7th Special Forces Group valor award ceremony Monday. The Soldiers were each awarded the Silver Star for heroic acts of valor displayed during the group's deployment to Afghanistan from 2007-2008. One of the medals was posthumously awarded to Sgt. 1st Class David Nunez.

  • Fayetteville community celebrates Fort Bragg way of life

    Aug 20, 2010

    Nearly 70 years to the day of the first United States Army airborne operation, the Fort Bragg and Fayetteville communities celebrated National Airborne Day Saturday, at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville. This day celebrates and highlights Fort Bragg and Fayetteville's close community relationship that ensures high quality of life for Soldiers, Families and civilians.

  • Mustang Zero-Niner-Three Awaits

    Aug 18, 2010

    With the U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command Combined Headquarters Construction Project in the distance, Spec. J.W. Stover, A Company, 3rd Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, crew chief for UH60 Black Hawk "Mustang Zero-Niner-Three", awaits passenger arrival on the Main Post Polo Field, Aug. 18, 2010, at Fort Bragg, N.C. Stover, from Parris Island, S.C., wears the 82nd Airborne Division's renowned "AA" (All-American) patch on his left and right sleeves. The patch on his left sleeves means he is currently assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division; the patch on the right denotes he has served in combat as a member of the 82nd. U.S. Army photo by Jim Hinnant, U.S. Army Forces Command.

  • Chem-bio sensor network increases reaction time

    Aug 16, 2010

    The Army demonstrated the feasibility of a sensor network that will improve situational awareness and reaction time in the field during chemical or biological incidents.

  • U.S. Army Forces Command (Forward) Week in Review, August 9-15, 2010

    Aug 14, 2010

    A compendium of photographic highlights from the forward location of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command at Fort Bragg, N.C.

  • Reaching for the gold: Armed Services YMCA holds Children's Olympics at Fort Bragg

    Aug 13, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. -- Children of Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base active and retired servicemembers perform warm-up drill before competing in the 11th annual Armed Services YMCA Olympics Saturday at the Polo Fields.

  • Moving tips for the military Family

    Aug 13, 2010

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Packing tape, boxes, cleaning supplies and house hunting ... the average Family moves once every six years, but this rate can double for military Families who often relocate according to Army needs.

  • Casualty assistant officers:

    Aug 13, 2010

    After official notification of a death to the next of kin, the notifying casualty assistance officers deliver their report to one of 35 casualty assistance centers in the United States. The CAC at Fort Bragg, which averages about 250 cases a year, handles casualty and mortuary affairs for all active-duty Soldiers, Reservists, retirees and veterans for the state of North Carolina.

  • Fort Bragg Hearts Apart program closes the distance

    Aug 13, 2010

    Military separation isn't so isolating thanks to the Army Community Service Hearts Apart program. Although the name suggests a program designed to increase the connection between Families, it's actually a way for Family members to stay active in the Fort Bragg community. It's a way for Families to know what's going on while their servicemember is deployed.

  • Fort Bragg Youth Action Council meeting gives next generation a voice

    Aug 13, 2010

    The Youth Action Council held its meeting July 26, at 1 p.m., at Tolson Youth Activities Center. YAC is comprised of youth at least 13 years old, and helped youth prepare for next year's, two-day Youth Leadership Conference to be held in June. Youth were able to discuss their likes and dislikes about the Youth Leadership Council which took place in June at Albritton Junior High School. The conference fosters leadership skills among youth and allows them, through workshops, to discuss issues that affect their quality of life as military-connected individuals.

  • Fort Bragg ACAP looks to increase capabilities for transitioning Soldiers

    Aug 13, 2010

    Soldiers planning to depart the Army in the upcoming months may be able to better market themselves to civilian employers, thanks to the Army Career Alumni Program's new Internet resources called PipelineNC. PipelineNC allows the transitioning Soldiers to post resumes and network with civilian employers.

  • Fort Bragg youth receives Iron Mike Award

    Aug 13, 2010

    On July 30, Michael "Mika" Taylor, 10, accepted the first Iron Mike Youth Award in honor of his dedication to the Fort Bragg and Special Operations community. Taylor shook the hand of Maj. Gen. Rodney Anderson, deputy commanding general, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, and set the stage for future generations of Army youth who value courage, dedication and service in the tradition of Iron Mike, the iconic Airborne Trooper.

  • Fort Bragg Soldiers make life sweeter for surrendered pets

    Aug 13, 2010

    A dozen Soldiers from the Fort Bragg chapter of the Sgt. Audie Murphy Club volunteered July 31, for yard chores at the Raeford no-kill animal shelter, "The Haven - Friends for Life." By coming out to the shelter, the Soldiers were contributing to the community, said Sgt. 1st Class Kwame A. Pettus, who is assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division.

  • Army rolls out revised Warrior Leader Course this fall

    Aug 13, 2010

    The Army plans to launch a new version of the Warrior Leader Course, formerly labeled the Primary Leadership Development Course, on Oct. 1. Modeled after a 17-day format, the revised WLC removes certain components while placing greater emphasis on leader development tasks which are considered crucial to success in the field. The program takes active duty, National Guard and Reserve Soldiers of all military occupational specialties and trains them for military-grade leadership positions.

  • Fort Bragg officials provide tips to minimize fires on post

    Aug 13, 2010

  • Fort Bragg community focuses on antiterrorism awareness

    Aug 13, 2010

    This month, the post is observing anti-terrorism awareness month and post official are urging the Fort Bragg community to become more vigilant in fighting terrorism. As part of the Anti-Terrorism Awareness campaign, Fort Bragg officials implemented the iWATCH Army program on Aug. 1. The iWatch, program is a modern version of Neighborhood Watch, which was developed by the Los Angeles Police Department to encourage and enable its citizens to identify and report suspicious behavior in their communities.

  • XVIII Airborne Corps welcomes three new generals

    Aug 13, 2010

    The XVIII Airborne Corps welcomed three generals to the unit with a 13 artillery cannon salute at the Main Post Parade Field Aug. 5. Major Gen. Rodney O. Anderson, Brig. Gen. Michael X. Garrett, and Canadian Brig. Gen. J.C.G. (Christian) Juneau were presented the Howitzer brass casings commemorating their ceremony.