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Page Updated: 05-Dec-2011

News & Events

NATO helps Belarus and Ukraine cope with flood risks
29 Nov. 2011 - The Pripyat River Basin on the border between Belarus and Ukraine is prone to severe flooding, impacting local communities and economies. The basin includes the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and one of the river’s tributaries provides a local nuclear power station with cooling water, so effective monitoring is essential.
NATO boosts energy solutions for the military
10 Nov 2011 - More than 200 energy experts from NATO, partner countries and the private sector gathered on 10 November 2011 in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius to discuss technologies for making the military less dependent on fossil fuel. The conference “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications” focussed on measures to increase the effectiveness and improve the security of future military missions, while reducing the military’s carbon footprint.
Preparing for tomorrow: cyber defence and the New Strategic Concept
10-11 Oct 2011 - Despite the launch of NATO’s New Strategic Concept in Lisbon, there remain many unanswered questions regarding the Alliance’s mission in cyberspace. Experts have attempted to decipher the position of cyber threats within the context of NATO’s grand strategic debate, both nationally and internationally. So where does the task of countering these threats fit among the Alliance’s core commitments? And what challenges do they present to security and defence policies?
Defence against chemical agents – the use of science and technology
© Reuters
18 May 2011 - The threat from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents remains a real and present danger in both NATO and partner countries. To address this issue experts are contemplating a dynamic strategy that combines the latest developments in science and technology.
Experts explore counter-terrorism strategies in diverse communities
© Reuters
9-10 May 2011 - Communities in NATO member states have experienced great change over the years, with many becoming more diverse and culturally mixed. In parallel, terrorism has grown more complex, taking on various forms and resulting in counter-terrorism strategies becoming more sophisticated, comprehensive and inclusive.
''Wounds of war'' – experts assess the impact of military combat
© Reuters
3-5 June 2011 - From 3 to 5 June, 32 experts in the assessment and treatment of combat-related injuries will gather at a workshop in Salzburg, Austria. Delegates will work to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by troop-contributing countries.
Tackling the challenges faced by post-conflict communities
© Reuters
28 Apr. - 1 May 2011 - From 28 April to 1 May, 35 experts from NATO, partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries will meet in Dubrovnik, Croatia at a workshop to discuss and outline the most effective strategy towards reconciliation in post conflict communities.
Experts discuss post-9/11 security in Afghanistan and Central Asia
© Reuters
7-10 Apr. 2011 - From 7 to 10 April 2011, more than 25 academics and experts from NATO and Partner countries engaged in post-9/11 security in Afghanistan and Central Asia will gather at a NATO-funded workshop in Ankara, Turkey.
NATO Science Programme highlights the human and national security dynamics of climate change
© Reuters
31 Mar. 2011 - From 28 to 30 April, over 30 experts and scientists from NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries will gather in Dubrovnik, Croatia to define the intricate relationships between climate change, human health and national security.
Strategies for food security in Central Asia
© Reuters
31 Mar. 2011 - Food security can have major societal impacts and tackling this challenge is a top priority for the governments of NATO’s partner countries in Central Asia. To assist these countries in developing appropriate strategies and building capacity to implement them, a NATO-funded advanced training course was organised in Antalya, Turkey, from 31 March to 2 April 2011, under NATO’s Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme. Around 40 participants from NATO and Partner countries took part in the event.
Experts examine the use of internet based tools in disease outbreak response
© Reuters
13 Feb. 2011 - From 13 to 15 March 2011 experts and scientists convened in Haifa, Israel to assess the use of the internet and online communication tools in the global monitoring of and response to disease outbreaks and pandemics.
