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Health Protection Perspectives

NCHHSTP Leadership Blog about HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


Selected Category: Tuberculosis (TB)

Reducing Inequities in HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and Tuberculosis

Categories: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis

By Dr. Kathleen McDavid Harrison, Associate Director for Health Equity, NCHHSTP

Last week, the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention hosted a Health Equity Symposium entitled, “Establishing a Holistic Framework to Reduce Inequities in HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and Tuberculosis in the United States.” The event also marked the launch of NCHHSTP’s Social Determinants of Health White Paper.

The symposium brought together nationally-recognized experts in Social Determinants of Health (SDH) policy, communication, and measurement to exchange information and lead discussions in their area of expertise.  Each speaker shared methods for pursuing science-based approaches for addressing SDH and promotion of health equity.

Social Determinants of Health featured in Public Health Reports

Categories: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis

By NCHHSTP Director Dr. Kevin Fenton and Deputy Director Dr. Hazel Dean

On June 7, Public Health Reports released a special issue that focuses on Social Determinants of Health in the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis. This groundbreaking supplement brings to the forefront the broad impact social influences, standings, and characteristics can have on the health of each and every person.

Program Collaboration and Service Integration (PCSI)

Categories: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis

In March I wrote to you about the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Strategic Plan 2010-2015. One of the Center’s six cross-cutting goals is to promote and support Program Collaboration and Service Integration (PCSI). Through PCSI, we aim to increase service efficiency and maximize the health benefits that persons receive by accessing prevention services for HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB. We can achieve this by combining, streamlining, and enhancing prevention services; maximizing opportunities to screen, test, treat, or vaccinate those in need of these services; improving the health of populations negatively affected by multiple diseases; and enabling service providers to adapt to and keep pace with changes in disease epidemiology and new technologies.

NCHHSTP Strategic Plan for 2010-2015

Categories: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis

Today, we re-launch “Health Protection Perspectives,” the blog from the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP). For 2010, I will be joined on this blog by colleagues in HIV, viral hepatitis, STD, and TB prevention. This change will give you a more thorough look at the work of this Center and a wider range of perspectives on health protection and disease prevention.  Open communication channels, such as this blog and other on-line media, can feed and support an interchange of ideas and voices to bring new ideas to our work.

Moving Forward with Prevention

Categories: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis

I know that I have not written in a while, but I am energized to have this continuing opportunity to put down some thoughts on our health protection priorities and goals, as well as showcase our prevention achievements. The beginning of 2009 has been very busy with the presidential inauguration, the transition to a new administration, and most recently, the ongoing work on the national economic stimulus package. This gives us much to consider as 2009 begins to take shape—and prompts me to reflect on the year past. There is perhaps no better way to do the latter than through the 2008 NCHHSTP Annual Report, which was released today!

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