black bar with title, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior and the arrowhead

Banner: Installing wayfinding in Georgetown, CO; Clarkseville Square, TX; Parade at Pharr community festival, TX
Preserve America Grant Program

The Preserve America matching-grant program provides planning funding to designated Preserve America Communities to support preservation efforts through heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning.

Through these grant projects our country gains a greater shared knowledge about the Nation's past, strengthened regional identities and local pride, increased local participation in preserving the country's cultural and natural heritage assets, and support for the economic vitality of our communities



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Heritage & Historic Preservation - NPS

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012, Public Law 112-74, providing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, does not include funds for Preserve America grants. Therefore, NPS will not accept applications or award grants in FY 2012.

Active grants from FY 2010 and earlier will not be effected.

Blue Island, IllinoisFinal community review in Edmonds, WA
"Things are happening in this town because of PA that wouldn't be happening otherwise. It's a valuable program.

We are trying to change people's perspective about what it means to live in a (historic) inner-ring suburban community. We face a lot of the same challenges as the "big city" but have none of the resources. Happily, we also have amazing architecture, rich social history, great restaurants, unique shopping... it's just on a smaller, friendlier scale. We need to let the rest of the world know that we're here, and that you'll love it. We couldn't do it without Preserve America dollars. Our community has invested in its heritage, and Preserve America has invested in promoting our story. I see visitors - and residents too! - spending dollars in our town each time they visit."
- Jason Berry, Community Development Special Projects Manager

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