Federal Aviation Administration

Western Hemisphere

Our Western Hemisphere region is made up of 42 nations and is currently becoming a powerful economic force in the world. Approximately 50 percent of U.S. oil imports come from the Western Hemisphere. It is also a leader in renewable energy and many innovative projects are underway that will mitigate climate change; issues that are of immense importance to its citizens and to the United States. Travel to Latin America is booming and the Miami airport remains the top U.S. gateway to Latin America.

The Western Hemisphere Director is currently located in Washington, D.C. In 2009, we gained approval to establish offices for our Senior Representatives in Panama City, Panama, Miami, Florida, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. The office in Panama opened in December 2009. The office in Miami will open in March 2010; and the Brazil Representative will be located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, by June 2010.

Page Last Modified: 08/06/12 14:18 EDT

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