Federal Aviation Administration

Africa, Europe and Middle East

This region includes a diverse group of over 100 countries, which present a wide range of aviation issues for cooperation with the FAA. As a result, the FAA is working closely with Europe as we transition to a harmonized NextGen aviation system, engaging with the Middle East as their aviation industry rapidly develops and also working closely with the Africa Region, as they work to enhance aviation safety on that Continent.

Europe is the second-smallest continent on the earth and makes up about 2% of the earth's total surface. However, Europe is the third most populated continent in the world with a total population of nearly 710,000,000 accounting for about 11% of the world's total population. Europe includes 47 countries and assorted dependencies and territories. The FAA has its main office for the entire region in Brussels, Belgium, with representatives in London, Paris and Moscow. The region also includes the countries of Central Asia, the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The countries of the Middle East are all part of Asia. Opinions vary as to what countries make up the modern definition of the Middle East. For the FAA, the Middle East countries are those of the peninsula from Syria south to Yemen. The FAA has a representative based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates who covers the activities of the Middle East countries. The countries of North Africa are covered from Paris, not Abu Dhabi.

Africa is second in size after Asia and covers one-fifth of the total surface of the earth covered by both land and water. It contains the Nile River, the world's longest, and the massive Sahara Desert, the world's largest. The continent's highest point is Mt. Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, 19,341ft, while the lowest point is Lac' Assal in the small country of Djibouti, 512 ft below sea level. The FAA representative, based in Dakar, Senegal, covers all of sub-Saharan Africa.

Page Last Modified: 08/06/12 14:33 EDT

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