Federal Aviation Administration

Aviation Cooperation Program

Aviation Cooperation Programs (ACP) are public-private partnerships designed to consolidate U.S. technical cooperation to promote aviation safety and efficiency in a collaborative manner with aviation interests in foreign countries. The overall ACP strategy fosters cooperation between the U.S. government and corporate aviation members in the delivery of technical programs and assistance, thereby avoiding duplication and maximizing financial benefits for both sides. The principal goals of the ACP are to:

  • facilitate and coordinate U.S. government and aviation industry training and technical cooperation to avoid duplication and promote synergy;
  • increase awareness of U.S. technology, product standards, procedures and services that will assist countries in developing its aviation infrastructure;
  • promote safer operations and more efficient management in the aviation sector; and
  • foster a long-term working relationships between the U.S. aviation community and counterparts in foreign countries.

Current Programs

Page Last Modified: 12/14/10 13:52 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/international_affairs/aviation_cooperation/