Careers for mission-minded techies Computer Science Jobs

Take an interest in computers and technology. Put it together with some of the most sophisticated computer hardware and software available today. Then imagine performing the work of a computer technician, engineer or IT professional as part of a highly accomplished team, in exciting settings, where your expertise can prove critical to military missions around the world. Welcome to America’s Navy.

Job Description

If you have a high school diploma or equivalent and an interest in computer science, this is a prime position to showcase your skills and advance them. Primarily, you’ll be supporting everyday Navy operations and helping Enlisted Sailors and Officers to perform their duties more successfully and efficiently. And in the greater scheme of things, doing your own part to promote national security.

Specific Responsibilities

In Navy’s computer science field, you may work with radar-suppressing technologies, such as the Cobham Sensor Systems or airborne laser mine detection systems. You will focus on maintaining, operating and repairing state-of-the-art computer and electronics equipment, with potential exposure to the classified information that moves through it.

You may also:

  • Evaluate intercepted radar signals to determine origin
  • Identify sounds produced by ships, torpedoes, submarines, sonar transmissions, marine life and natural phenomena
  • Track surface and subsurface targets and operate underwater communications equipment

Here, the work will go beyond basic computer knowledge, giving you valuable IT experience and setting you apart from other applicants.

Work Environment

Working in the Navy computer science field is not your everyday desk job. You could be working in a variety of environments, just about anywhere in the world – stateside or on bases overseas, or even aboard any of the Navy’s cutting-edge ships, submarines and aircraft.

Training & Advancement

Training is extensive – from operating communications systems to highly technical training in database design to operational training on underwater systems. Advanced training may be available in computers and electronics.

Education Opportunities

Most of the computer science instruction provided by the Navy qualifies for college credit. You may even have the opportunity to continue your education through various college programs and the Navy Tuition Assistance Program.


While a college degree is not necessary to become part of the computer science field, qualified Sailors could have the opportunity to receive special pay and benefits while attending college full-time and transitioning into the role of an Officer.

Pay Range

For those working in Navy’s computer science field, pay is dependent upon rank or rate and years in service. Like most positions, your increase in rate and rank is earned. Promotions depend upon your performance and time in service.

After the Navy

Computer science jobs involve a high level of responsibility and maturity in dealing with highly technical systems and classified information. Skills in the computer field will equip you for countless jobs in the high-tech industry. Some of your training may also prepare you for the following civilian careers:

  • Computer Operator
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Administrator
  • Database Administrator
  • Data Communications Analyst
  • Computer Systems Hardware Analyst
  • Computer Scientist
  • Electronic Intelligence Operations Specialist

The training and hands-on experience the Navy provides will give you extensive IT knowledge highly sought after by military and civilian employers alike.


Consider Your Service Options.

There are different ways that you can commit to serve in America's Navy. Besides full-time opportunities in Active Duty, part-time Reserve positions are also available in this career area.