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News Archive

July 12, 2012
Energy Department Announces New ARPA-E Projects to Advance Innovative Natural Gas Vehicle Technologies

Awards totaling $30 million to develop new ways of harnessing U.S. energy resources to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil

June 27, 2012
U.S. Department of Energy Announces $102 Million for Small Business Research and Development

104 Grants Will Support U.S. Job Creation and Scientific Advancement

June 21, 2012
FACTSHEET: Energy Department Launches Open-Source Online Training Resource to Help Students, Workers Gain Valuable Skills

As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to invest in skills for American workers, the Energy Department officially launched today its National Training and Education Resource (NTER).

May 31, 2012
New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program recognized by U.S. Department of Commerce

Editor's Note: This announcement was originally posted on

May 29, 2012
Obama Administration Launches $26 Million Multi-Agency Competition to Strengthen Advanced Manufacturing Clusters Across the Nation

Fourteen Federal Agencies Collaborate to Enhance Global Competitiveness of U.S. Manufacturers and Create Jobs

April 26, 2012
U.S. Department of Energy and the MIT Energy Initiative Announce a Women in Clean Energy Program for United States

At the Third Clean Energy Ministerial in London today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a three-part plan to help implement the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment initiative or “C3E” – a Ministerial program aimed at attracting more women to clean energy careers and supporting their advancement into leadership positions.

March 29, 2012
Energy Department Nominees Confirmed by U.S. Senate

The U.S. Energy Department is pleased to announce that four nominees to key Departmental positions have been confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

February 21, 2012
Small Businesses Nationwide Begin Work on Cutting-Edge Innovative Research Projects

$26.4 million in DOE funds to support projects at more than 140 small businesses nationwide

February 16, 2012
Tribal Clean Energy Projects Awarded $6.5 Million from U.S. Energy Department

As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to strengthening partnerships with Tribal Nations and supporting tribal energy development, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced that 19 clean energy projects to receive more than $6.5 million.

October 3, 2011
Secretary Chu speaks with Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory employees. | Energy Image
Secretary Chu's Statement on Workforce Diversity

We can do more to create a culture that values diversity, which in turn will make the Department an employer of choice and enhance our mission effectiveness. I believe that we are at our best when we draw on the talents of all parts of our society, and our mission accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges.