In 2015 new Sustainable Development Goals will be agreed at the UN, which will set global policy priorities until 2030. The FIA Foundation is coordinating the campaign to include road safety in these goals, working with partners around the world to advocate for a road fatality reduction target.

We have been a leader in global road safety advocacy for more than a decade, initiating the Commission for Global Road Safety – whose implemented recommendations include the 2009 First High Level Conference on Global Road Safety and the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 – and establishing the Make Roads Safe campaign.

In 2013 hundreds of organisations and thousands of people across the world joined our ‘Long Short Walk’ campaign to call for pedestrian rights. In 2014 we launched the ‘Target Save Lives’ initiative, building support amongst governments and civil society for a Post-2015 road safety target. In 2015 we are advocating for the SDG targets through support for the #SaveKidsLives campaign.

2015 Safe Roads for All

The UN’s ‘Open Working Group’ on the SDGs has included road safety targets in the Health Goal and the Cities Goal.

You can help to secure new momentum for action to prevent road traffic injuries by supporting the retention of these targets in the final negotiations.

Read the FIA Foundation’s road safety briefing for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals >


Save Kids Lives


Every day 500 children are killed on the world’s roads. Join us in supporting the #SaveKidsLives campaign. Sign the Child Declaration for Road Safety and show your support for a target in the Sustainable Development Goals to make roads safer for all.

Visit the #SaveKidsLives website here

Target Save Lives

We’re calling for road safety to be included in the UN’s new Development Goals. You can tell the UN to include road safety in its priorities post-2015. Join us, vote for better transport and roads and suggest road safety as an extra priority.

Vote at the UN. Call for a Post-2015 Target to Save Lives

You can vote here at the UN’s MY World survey, or you can use and share this link:

Zoleka Mandela and Michelle Yeoh with children supporting #SaveKidsLives

Final inter-governmental negotiations on the SDGs have begun. But its not too late to make your voice heard. Contact your government representatives and tell them why action on road safety in 2015 is so important.

Download the UN Post-2015 Open Working Group resources from here >

Advocacy resources include:

  • Detailed brief on SDGs and the Brasilia 2015 road safety Ministerial Conference
  • Draft ‘model letter’ on the SDGs
  • Suggested contact information

Stay Connected

  • Connect with the campaign and sign the Child Declaration
  • Show your support on social media using the hashtag #SaveKidsLives. You can also photo with the #SaveKidsLives signboards. And share your ‘Safies’!
  • Plan a #SaveKidsLives campaign event here
  • You can also vote for better roads and transport on the UN’s global public survey for post-2015 here at MY World


Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh

Global Road Safety Ambassador | Bio
Zoleka Mandela

Zoleka Mandela

Make Roads Safe Ambassador | Bio