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AIBS builds community in support of researchers, educators, and scientists who understand the importance of sharing biological discovery and knowledge. In creating EDUCATION RESOURCES, monitoring PUBLIC POLICY, providing PEER REVIEW of scientific applications, programs, and scientific literature, PUBLISHING timely biological sciences information, and implementing dynamic PUBLIC OUTREACH PROGRAMS, we are ensuring the future of the biological sciences.

Join us in working toward this goal -- click through the tabs below to learn how:


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Destacado:¿Polución Lumínica?

A Forum for Integrating the Life Sciences


Scientific societies have long held an important place in the history of science. The first scientific academy, or what we would now call a scientific society, dates from Italy in the mid-1600s. Exciting, creative research was being done within the emerging societies of this period even more so than in many universities of the time.
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AIBS advocates for public policy and legislative action that is based upon quality science.


AIBS Education is dedicated to improving biological science literacy at all levels of formal and informal education.

The AIBS Education office:



AIBS Scientific Peer Advisory & Review Services (SPARS) helps organizations invest their research dollars effectively by identifying promising research to support.

AIBS SPARS excels at:


AIBS develops and implements innovative programs that connect science to the public and that encourage a true appreciation of the value of the biological sciences to society.


  • The Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) launched a redesign of their website. Check out COPUS' new look and see how you can get involved in the community.

  • Since 2004, AIBS has published, a free public web site making information about biological research accessible to everyone.

In addition to providing you with a subscription to BioScience, your membership in AIBS directly supports collective activities that serve the biological sciences. We invite you to join this dynamic community of individuals and scientific organizations in support of the AIBS mission.

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